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12 Apr 2023

14 Dec 2020

Once the pertinent regulatory authorizations have been obtained, BBVA Allianz Seguros - Allianz and BBVA’s new bancassurance joint venture that was announced in April this year - will begin to operate in Spain. BBVA Seguros has contributed around 1.18 million insurance policies to the new company, representing approximately €300 million in premiums issued by the end of 2019. The new company combines BBVA’s distribution capacity in physical and digital channels with Allianz’s innovative knowledge to develop simple, digital non-life insurance.

20 Mar 2020

14 Oct 2019

24 Sep 2019

22 Apr 2019

27 Jun 2018

31 Aug 2017

25 Aug 2017

Digital financial services are within everyone´s reach, but each generation has its own peculiarities when using them. Mobile banking apps have won over the centennials, while social networks influence Generation Y when it comes to changing banks, and Generation X confides in online banking. The baby boomers, meanwhile, prefer to take a stroll to the branch office.

23 Aug 2017

Clover Health and Bright Health, two insurtech companies dedicated to health insurance, have in recent months received nearly 300 million dollars in their funding rounds, contributing to the growth of investment in the sector.

23 Jun 2017

08 May 2017

03 May 2017

28 Mar 2017

23 Feb 2017

Thirty years ago, microfinance revolutionized the market with affordable loans for the disadvantaged. Until then, the most vulnerable population segments were left out on the fringes of the financial system, and had no way of accessing credit. Today, with 2 billion adults still unbanked, new technologies are emerging with the potential to reach more people at a lower cost. But this opportunity is having a challenging impact on the current microfinance model, which was built on the pillars of personal relations and trust.

17 Jan 2017

31 Oct 2016

25 Oct 2016

Propel Venture Partners, the San Francisco-based venture capital (VC) partnership in which BBVA is an investor, today announced its investment in Hixme– its sixth investment since the establishment of the U.S. fund in February this year.

12 Apr 2016

“Everledger is a digital, global ledger that tracks and protects items of value… and it’s on the blockchain.” Nearly seven months have passed since Everledger CEO and founder Leanne Kemp used this pitch to explain Everledger at the BBVA Open Talent 2015 Europe finals. After winning the European title of BBVA’s startup contest, Everledger has continued its hard work and achieved several major accomplishments, including moving into new areas like fine art and ethical supply chain finance – with more on the way. [Just as of last week, Everledger was included in the prestigious ranking The FinTech 50 of 2016]

29 Feb 2016

Market downfalls at the beginning of the year have put investors on guard. The sharp decline in oil prices and questions over the Chinese economy leave their mark on the global economic outlook. BBVA Asset Management expects to see moderate growth in the global economy in 2016 but suggests caution when building portfolios due to increased risk. Diversification and hedging are necessary.