Garanti BBVA takes care of its customers' financial health
Garanti BBVA is a firm believer that financial health is a prerequisite for a better life. As such, monitoring the financial health of its customers has become a priority social responsibility for the bank.

Garanti BBVA definition of financial health is three-fold: managing the monthly budget, being prepared for unforeseen expenses, not skimping on expenses that make us feel happier with our lives, and being aware of opportunities that help us achieve our goals and the future we dream of. In this regard, the bank offers a wide variety of personalized recommendations. It aims to follow up and analyze the financial situation of all its customers and make them aware of its importance.
Işıl Akdemir Evlioğlu, Executive Vice President of Garanti BBVA, assures that "regardless of income, proper advice and follow-up regarding money management is necessary. Being aware of alternatives that can improve financial health and choosing the most appropriate one will be very important in order to make us feel more secure and calm from a financial standpoint".
The methods to achieve financial health must be different. In this way, Garanti BBVA offers customized solutions for each client. "We use technology to know and understand the customers' financial health and build a personalized roadmap together." Beyond that, the bank follows up on recommendations and helps its customers achieve a balance between income and expenses, so they can more easily plan for their future."We have brought together technology, information and the right advice under the slogan "Garanti BBVA's advice will do your financial health good," to offer individual service to customers," the Vice President concluded.
Mahmut Akten, Executive Vice President of Garanti BBVA, assures that the bank "analyzes customers' spending habits and helps them to manage their budget correctly. Our main objective is for customers to learn to plan for the present so they can be prepared for unforeseen expenses and, in turn, save for the future, all with the support of our powerful technological tools and our digital knowledge," Akten concluded.