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29 Sep 2020

The housing market is a complex entity that can confuse most Americans, especially when considering the various factors that influence it. Further adding to this entanglement that consumers must unravel are the impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Millennials are the generation known as the tech generation, the echo generation, along with other monikers. However, they’re also known for their reluctance to buy homes. There have been many reasons for this trend among millennials, according to BBVA USA Head of Mortgage Banking Murat Kalkan.

24 Feb 2020

09 Apr 2019

07 Sep 2018

28 Jun 2018

According to RealtyTrac, as of April 2018, there were more than 600,000 properties in the U.S. in some stage of foreclosure. While the numbers of foreclosed homes are significantly lower than at the peak of the U.S. Housing Crisis, with more than a half million lender owned homes on the market, buyers still have a solid opportunity to find a good deal.

21 Jun 2018

19 Jun 2018

11 Jun 2018

Over the past several years, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) has gradually increased the federal funds interest rates both as a response to favorable economic conditions and in order to curb inflation. In a rising interest rate environment such as this, lending is affected as banks set their own interest rates according to the prime rate, which is mostly determined by the aforementioned federal funds rate.

05 Jun 2018

Black Knight, Inc.’s latest Mortgage Monitor Report indicates that taken together, rising interest rates and home prices have affected housing affordability, resulting in a more than $100 increase in monthly payment on a 30-year mortgage used to purchase a median-priced U.S. home.

10 May 2018

30 Apr 2018

An eat-in kitchen. Open floor plan. Shiplap for days. For home remodeling show junkies, the inspiration for home renovation is never ending.

24 Apr 2018

20 Apr 2018

The longer you own your home, typically the more equity you build. Many people wait to tap into this equity, while others use it to strengthen their financial footing.

One of the ways a homeowner might put their home equity to work for them is with a home equity line of credit (HELOC). BBVA Compass Director of Mortgage and Home Equity Originations Jose Pascual shares his top three reasons that homeowners might want to consider a HELOC.

20 Feb 2018

On the road to home ownership, it can feel like every turn includes another unexpected charge or fee, with one of the final being closing costs.

‘Closing costs’ is an umbrella term that encompasses various fees collected by those who perform all the final tasks that ultimately allow a home buyer to sign on the dotted line of their mortgage loan. The fees, which typically range from 3 to 5 percent of the cost of the home, include various charges like appraisal,  underwriting and recording fees, among other charges. According to BBVA Compass Director of Real Estate Originations Jose Pascual, the number and total amount of fees can vary.

16 Feb 2018

Let’s talk Private Mortgage Insurance, or as it’s more commonly known, “PMI.”

If you’re buying a house and in the process of obtaining a home loan, chances are good you’ve at least heard the term. Chances are even better you’re acutely aware of PMI if you’re planning a down payment of less than 20 percent, because PMI is the premium you’ll have to pay to insure the lender against loan default.

15 Feb 2018

Taking on a mortgage might be the single most important financial decision a person makes, and accordingly, it may also be one of the most complicated. Simply understanding the type of mortgage loan that is right for your situation can be confusing at best.

In this article, we’ll wade through industry terminology to boil each option down to its essence, so you can better know which may be right for you and your home buying situation. We’ll also review some of the terms you might hear bandied about - Conforming, Conventional - to understand how they fit into the bigger picture.

09 Feb 2018

When it comes to how much home you can afford, the answer is not always as cut and dried as the pre-qualification you receive from your lender, says BBVA Compass Director of Real Estate Originations Jose Pascual.

Pascual says that lenders do their best with what they’re given in order to pre-qualify customers for an affordable amount, but there are considerations outside their purview that borrowers should also consider.

05 Feb 2018

Deciding to buy a home ranks among the biggest decisions a person can make, which is why it’s wise to go into the process with eyes wide open to your unique financial situation. Doing so will help ensure that before pen hits paper on the loan application, the approval that will get you the house of your dreams is in the proverbial bag.

There are a few steps anyone looking to get a home loan - aka mortgage - can take before application in order to be sure that they are best positioned for approval.

28 Dec 2017

20 Dec 2017

13 Dec 2017

The outlook for Argentina’s economy in 2018 remains optimistic, with GDP expected to expand by nearly 3% for the second consecutive year. However, achieving sustained growth and attracting international investment will depend, not just on stable macro indicators, but on long-lasting structural reforms. While the initial signs of economic recovery became apparent in the second half of 2016, it wasn’t until mid-2017 that growth rates began to pick up across most industries.

30 Oct 2017

25 Aug 2017

Digital financial services are within everyone´s reach, but each generation has its own peculiarities when using them. Mobile banking apps have won over the centennials, while social networks influence Generation Y when it comes to changing banks, and Generation X confides in online banking. The baby boomers, meanwhile, prefer to take a stroll to the branch office.

20 Jul 2017

Garanti Bank signed an agreement with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) for 5-year term funding in the amount of Euro 75 million equivalent under the Covered Bond Programme. Thanks to this financing, the first transaction settled with EBRD in TL and covered bond format, Garanti aims to boost the expansion of Green Mortgage loans and to protect the future generations with environmentally-friendly buildings.

06 Dec 2016

13 Sep 2016

One of the consequences of the latest financial crisis for banks has been the so-called non-performing loans or NPLs. Loans regarding which the borrower has either already failed to meet his payment obligations or is showing signs of having difficulties meeting them. Some financial systems, such as Spain’s, have already done their homework clearing their balance sheets. However, for other systems credit quality is still a matter that needs to be addressed. A recent case are Italian banks, which still bear a burden of over €300 billion in this type of assets.