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Loans and credits


Garanti BBVA is streamlining the loan approval process for retail customers seeking vehicle finance. Utilizing the Instant Loan from Dealer (BAK) feature, customers can swiftly complete transactions with digital document approval through Garanti BBVA Mobile app, ensuring an efficient and seamless experience.

04 Jan 2022

The European Investment Bank Group (EIB and EIF) and BBVA are once again joining forces to support the working capital and liquidity needs of Spanish small and medium-sized enterprises affected by the COVID19 crisis, as well as to cover their investment difficulties. To this end, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Investment Fund (EIF) will guarantee a junior tranche of a €120 million synthetic securitization of an SME loan portfolio originated by BBVA, enabling the Basque bank to provide more than €960 million in financing to support the investment of small and medium-sized enterprises.

17 Mar 2021

BBVA's CFO, Jaime Sáenz de Tejada, shared his optimism with international investors regarding the medium-term growth prospects for lending in Spain and Mexico. In Spain, he noted the impact of the EU recovery fund - Next Generation EU- which will expedite the transformation of the production model. The financial sector will be able to amplify its impact through by offering greater financing. As for Mexico, he underscored the positive effect of the new tax stimulus package in the U.S., which will boost remittances and manufacturing activity, along with the new free trade agreement between the United States, Mexico and Canada.

20 Jan 2021

22 Dec 2020

BBVA, as sole sustainability coordinator, advised Publiacqua, one of the major water management companies in Italy, on how to link its core bank financing to environmental targets. The transaction consisted of converting an existing loan of EUR 140Mn into a sustainability-linked loan with two pure water management KPIs. With this financing, Publiacqua becomes the first water utility company in Italy to have sustainability features in their financing instruments.

24 Jun 2020

23 Jun 2020

20 Dec 2019

18 Dec 2019

20 Aug 2019

For years the increase in non-performing loans (NPLs) resulting from the financial crisis represented one of the major risk factors for the banking industry in the eurozone. This increase was relatively heterogeneous, with a greater impact on the peripheral countries in Southern Europe.

15 Jul 2019

17 May 2019

Credit cards are a useful financial tool that can be utilized in various situations.

However, not everybody carries a credit card. Some people may want to simply use a debit card, or some may not have a good enough score required to obtain a credit card. This could prove difficult in certain situations - especially when trying to rent a car.

30 Apr 2019

04 Mar 2019

04 Feb 2019

19 Dec 2018

Like many Americans, you may find your mailbox stuffed with envelopes from banks, credit card providers and other lenders who want to make you an offer. (That includes your email, too.) Those offers may range from a pre-approved offer, to an invitation to apply, to a 4-page application.

15 Nov 2018

14 Sep 2018

05 Apr 2018

22 Jan 2018

Alternative finance keeps gaining traction in Europe and Spain is no exception. By volume of activity —and excluding the UK— Spain ranks fifth in the European Union for the fourth consecutive year in this segment, behind France, Germany, the Netherlands and Finland. In 2016, Spain’s alternative finance sector grew by 162%, to €131 million.

11 Jan 2018

28 Dec 2017

07 Nov 2017

13 Oct 2017

21 Sep 2017

12 Jul 2017

13 Jun 2017

Funding is one of the biggest challenges that entrepreneurs face when launching their own company. And getting it is not easy. But now, Trust·u, a new SME-oriented financing model, aims to help recently created companies overcome this hurdle by offering loans to startups that are able to convince relatives and friends to support them.

19 Apr 2017

The European Commission is currently seeking to answer this and many other questions that citizens have posed about retail financial services. In 2015, the Commission launched a public consultation that is set out in a document containing requests from citizens, presented by the European Parliament at the close of 2016. The next step was the publication of the Consumer Financial Services Action Plan: Better Products, More Choice, with specific proposals for eliminating the barriers to retail banking in Europe.

31 Mar 2017

07 Dec 2016