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BBVA Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Jaime Sáenz de Tejada has been named the best CFO in Europe. There were a total of  100 participants in this category. Likewise, Mr. Sáenz de Tejada has been voted the leading CFO in the European banking sector, out of a total of 93 banks, and first in Spain, a category with 47 participants.

The winners of this year’s awards are those banks that attended carefully to their customers’ needs in difficult markets and accomplished better results while laying the foundations for future success. All selections were made by the editorial board of Global Finance, after extensive consultation with corporate financial executives, bankers and analysts throughout the world. In selecting these top banks, we considered factors that range from the quantitative objective to the informed subjective.

BBVA posted a net attributable profit of €1.54 billion between January and March of 2015, up 146.2% from a year earlier. Without including the capital gains from the sales of shares in Chinese bank CNCB, profit increased 52.8% to €953 million. The good earnings performance and cost containment measures helped push profits higher.

It has taken financial institutions a long time to see the technical and financial possibilities of using banking APIs, but recently they seem to have reacted, with several banks launching projects in this area.