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BBVA took part in the first seminar organized by the Institute of Compliance Officers (IOC).  Executives of Spanish multinationals addressed the main challenges facing the profession in applying current regulations within a company. They underscored the fundamental role of the compliance officer in companies committed to transparency and good corporate governance.

Investor angels, or business angels, are people who invest their money in the initial phase of startups, in exchange for a participation in capital. They also usually carry out the role of a mentor and offer their consent and experience to entrepreneurs.

PSD2 and GDPR are no longer strange-sounding terms. After digital regulation caught the attention of supervisors and financial regulators in Europe during 2017, it doesn't look like 2018 will be any different, according to the Financial Regulation Outlook report from BBVA Research.

As BBVA Research points out, the digitization of finances offers opportunities and challenges not only to financial service providers and customers, but also to regulators and supervisors. Therefore, the “regulation and supervision frameworks need to evolve and adapt” to the new environment.

Green loans have arrived in force on the world’s financial markets. The volume of these sustainable products, which up to now had appeared sporadically, has shown a marked increase since last year. BBVA ended 2017 as the most active company in green loans worldwide, with a total of 11 transactions in Europe and Latin America for clients in a range of sectors, and was the undisputed number one in Spain.

Metrovacesa will make its debut on the Spanish stock exchanges on February 6, with a price of €16.5 per share. As part of the IPO process, the majority shareholders – Santander and BBVA – have sold 25.8% of Metrovacesa’s capital. BBVA placed a total of 11,619,724 shares, which represent 26.9% of its stake in the property company (7.7% of the share capital). The transaction is part of BBVA’s strategy of divestment in real estate holdings.

In 2017, the BBVA Group generated a net attributable profit of €3.52 billion (+1.3%). Without taking into account the impairment losses from Telefónica, net profit for 2017 stood at €4.64 billion, up 19.7% compared to 2016 results, excluding the provisions related to ‘floor clauses’ in Spain. Record revenue and cost containment efforts in operating expenses were the main drivers of this result.