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According to a recent survey, just four in ten people indicated they were able to cover an unexpected $1,000 expense without going into debt to do so.

For these people, a savings plan is the obvious answer, but for the many Americans living paycheck-to-paycheck, even the smallest savings can feel out of reach. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Below are five tips to help you get started saving today.

Around seven years ago, in the wake of recently enacted regulatory changes, the availability of free checking accounts started a slow descent into oblivion as banks grappled with how to adjust business models.

Fast forward to today, and banks are still grappling with the issue, as evidenced by a recent bank’s announcement that it would be eliminating its free checking account and moving customers into an account charging a $12 monthly fee  - unless the customer maintains a direct deposit of $250 or more, or a minimum daily balance of $1,500