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The TTIP is a bilateral free trade agreement which aims to eliminate tariffs and reduce non-tariff barriers such as arbitrary differences in regulations and industry standards for products, services and foreign direct investment. The US and the EU account for over 40% of world trade and almost half of world GDP.

In 2011, Anil Aggarwal and Jonathan Weiner - Google employees at the time - organized an event in Las Vegas that aimed to bring together the main fintech actors. Five years later, Money20/20 has become the international benchmark for innovation in financial services.

This year, the fintech event will take place in Europe for the first time ever. The April 4th -7th Copenhagen event will include participants from startups, entrepreneurs, fintech executives and regulators. BBVA CEO Carlos Torres Vila will represent the bank at Money 20/20 and will be the only Spanish executive to be featured in the conference’s main stage.

Last year, the Group paid €2.82 billion in taxes on its activity across the world. The total amount of taxes paid over the year (including both own taxes and the third-party taxes it manages) was €8.16 billion. For the third year in a row, BBVA Group has published its total tax contribution figures, standing by its corporate transparency principle and its commitment to social responsibility.

Last March 3 the Innovation Center in Colombia hosted the ninth Innovation Tour event organized by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies (MinTic). The event was attended by over 60 people, including entrepreneurs from the telecommunications sector, public officials and Academy collaborators. The aim of the Innovation Tours is to share inspiring experiences in the areas of Innovation and e-Government. Organizations and public institutions relate their experience in this sphere in 90-minute events.

BBVA CEO Carlos Torres Vila explained BBVA’s main competitive advantages in a context of profit pressure on the financial sector and a complex macroeconomic environment: an attractive, customer-centric business model; a solid risk management model; a sound capital position; and superior earnings power. “BBVA is well positioned to take advantage of the current environment,” he indicated during his speech at the Morgan Stanley European Financials Conference in London attended by a large group of institutional investors from across the globe.

BBVA moves ahead in its transformation process, or “transformation journey”, with the publication of its online annual report BBVA in 2015 covering all the financial and non-financial information on the Group. Following the approval of the 2015 annual accounts at the Annual General Meeting, the bank provides its shareholders and investors the most relevant information from the year in an innovating digital format. With a modern design and the latest trends in navigation and usability, the report presents the bank’s strategy and covers all the year’s management information in a simple and intuitive manner.