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BBVA has agreed to acquire Simple,  a US-based company that has created a new standard in digital banking. The acquisition is part of BBVA’s strategy to lead the technology-driven change that is transforming the financial services industry. The transaction values Simple at $117 million

BBVA has placed on the international capital markets its second issuance of contingent convertible securities into ordinary shares under the new European capital regulations (Basel III CRD-IV). The issuance amounted to 1.5 billion euros with perpetual maturity, with a 7% coupon and cancellation option from year five. BBVA was the first European bank to launch an issuance of this type of instrument in April 2013.

  • Earnings: the strength and recurrence of BBVA revenues were once again evident. Gross income exceeded €21 billion for the whole year
  • Risks: risk indicators tended to stabilize. Excluding real estate activity in Spain, the Group’s NPA ratio stands at 4.6% and the coverage ratio is 59%. Entries to NPLs show an improvement in their behavior. Non-performing assets were down in Spain in the fourth quarter
  • Capital adequacy: the core capital ratio under Basel II stands at 11.6% compared to 10.8% a year earlier.

The goal of the campaign was to engage and include the employees in the transformation process as a way of making the company both the “best place to work” and “the best bank for customers”. This new approach encourages them to feel they are active participants who are entitled to take decisions and make choices. In order for them to “choose” the brand, the campaign was designed to highlight all the strengths “we can be proud of and which set us apart”.

BBVA is working on new and enhanced channels to offer customers an easier way to communicate with the bank, offering a seamless experience tailored to their needs. BBVA attaches great importance to the development and application of new technologies to help it innovate in the market. BBVA is a global bank present in more than 30 countries and offers solutions tailored to the needs of each one.