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BBVA’s 2020 Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting (AGM) is scheduled to be held next March 13, 2020, on first call, at the Euskalduna Conference Center in Bilbao. BBVA wishes and promotes the participation of its shareholders in such an important event for the company. For that reason, the bank has made available to its shareholders the appropriate channels to enable the exercise of their rights remotely, which are described in the Annual General Meeting section on the corporate website.

In an interview published by the Spanish newspaper ABC, BBVA’s Group executive chairman took stock of recent years and anticipated the bank’s focus looking ahead with new strategic priorities. Carlos Torres Vila underscored that the bank has reached “the [capital] levels where we want to be.” Now that this has been accomplished, in the medium to long term “there is an opportunity to increase BBVA shareholder returns through dividends or share buybacks,” he said.

BBVA Global Wealth (GW), the BBVA Group private global banking unit has entered into an agreement with art advisory firm We Collect to expand its art advisory services to customers in Spain and Switzerland. One of BBVA GW’s goals is to promote non-financial art-related issues, incorporating new opportunities for customers throughout 2020.

The BBVA Annual General Meeting will be held in Bilbao next Friday, March 13. The shareholder meeting (or AGM) is one of a company’s primary corporate governance vehicles. During the meeting, the company’s owners (the shareholders) ratify decisions on topics determined by law and by the corporate bylaws. The AGM includes particular features that are established by corporate law.

The electronic forensic investigation starts with the application of a series of keywords to people’s electronic devices that, according to the information available, are thought to have had information of interest about the facts, may have had or not participation in them (the so-called ‘custodians’). Devices may include both computers and other electronics used by the custodians as well as data available in servers, in both emails and other files.

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. (BBVA) filed on February 28, 2020 with the Securities and Exchange Commission BBVA's Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2019.

The Annual Report can be found on BBVA’s Investor Relations website in the section dedicated to Financial information 2019.