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BBVA served as sole sustainable agent in the first syndicated revolving credit facility in Latin America, signed with Fibra Uno, a strategic client for the bank. The transaction is also the first sustainable transaction by a real estate business in the region and the first facility to be arranged in accordance with the 'Sustainability-Linked Loan Principles’ in Latin America. BBVA was also the joint bookrunner and lead arranger in the transaction, which involved a  total of 11 banks.

The Spanish Public Prosecutor’s Office announced this morning that it has requested the Central Investigating Court number 6 of the National High Court to declare BBVA as an investigated legal entity as part of piece number 9 of the ‘Tándem’ case, which is under secrecy order.

BBVA USA is taking its small business-focused initiative to the Rocky Mountains, announcing today the beginning of its Entrepreneurial Opportunity Contest in the Denver area.

  • Contest: The initiative with The Business Journals was first held in four markets in the first part of the year.
  • Criteria: Businesses with innovative services, products, or business model submit their entry for a chance to be selected as finalists and pitch to a panel of judges.
  • Prize: The winning business will be awarded $10,000 and an opportunity to compete for $50,000 at the final event in Phoenix against previous winners in other markets.

Just months after announcing its plan to realign its global brand, BBVA USA introduced a newly updated Premium Checking account, intended to deliver on the bank’s commitment to provide global products and services, an improved user experience, and solutions that help customers make better financial decisions.

  • Newly updated account reflects updated brand strategy: BBVA’s global focus on transparency and simplicity are reflected in the product’s new features and benefits
  • A simpler, more transparent product: The new Premium Checking account is streamlined with simpler qualifying criteria and expanded benefits
  • Lower monthly fees, more easily avoided: BBVA’s relationship program and private bank were also notable reasons for the bank’s designation.

BBVA – with Deloitte and PCS acting as independent third parties – has completed the first issuance of securitized bonds in Spain, which will be registered with the ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority) as Simple, Transparent and Standardized (STS).  With this securitization, BBVA takes advantage of European regulation in force since January 1 that will confer preferential capital treatment to financial institutions issuing STS securitizations.

BBVA Group executive chairman Carlos Torres Vila defended the role of education in general and financial education in particular to fight poverty and enhance people’s well-being. “Education in general is the best driver to end inequality and promote a sustainable development. It’s the simplest way to bring the age of opportunity to everyone - especially those who are most vulnerable,” he said on the second day of the BBVA EduFin Summit 2019 being held in Madrid.