FAQ: No need to wait to use Samsung Pay™
Reports are claiming that Samsung’s newest phone is “almost finished”; with some outlets reporting that the first folding phone from the company was shown at CES in Las Vegas – in a secret fashion, of course.

BBVA Compass, as an agent of change, is committed to driving innovation in the digital realm and has had its own experiences launching updated versions of its products. While thorough testing and design are critical to a successful launch of any product, there’s no reason to wait for the newest Samsung phone to capitalize on another game-changing service – one that overlaps BBVA Compass’ and the electronics company’s vision in digital transformation.
Samsung Pay™ is yet another channel through which BBVA Compass can offer convenience for its clients. Whether its fingerprint or PIN code, you can use the service to pay at any merchant where you can swipe or tap your card.
Still have questions? Let us help you out.

With Samsung Pay™, transactions made with BBVA Compass debit, credit, or prepaid cards are authorized by your fingerprint or a PIN code.
Is it safe and secure to use?
Transactions are authorized by your fingerprint or a PIN code, as stated above. This allows for a safety net of security for consumers who use the function when making small or larger payments.
Is it difficult to charge the app for the transaction?
Not at all! All you have to do is hold your Samsung near the Point of Sale system, and through the power of technology, the two devices exchange your payment data to complete the transaction.
Is my card eligible for this product?
You may enroll your BBVA Compass Visa® consumer credit cards, BBVA Compass ClearSpend Prepaid Visa® Card, or BBVA Compass Visa® consumer or business check cards, into Samsung Pay.*
Will my transactions look weird or different on my statement?
Nope! Purchases you make through the app will process the same way as they currently do.
So how do I find out where to get enrolled?
Check out this link for detailed instructions on how to enroll, how to use Samsung Pay, and what applications support Samsung Pay. Click here for more information on Samsung Pay from BBVA Compass.
*Exceptions may apply. BBVA Compass reserves the right to change card eligibility. All cards subject to approval, which may include credit approval.