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BBVA launches two technology centers in Bilbao and will hire 200 professionals in two years

BBVA will create 200 jobs in two years, with the launch of two technology centers in Bilbao. These centers will have specialized profiles such as computer, telecommunications, systems and industrial engineers, as well as mathematicians.

BBVA pone en marcha dos centros tecnológicos en Bilbao y contratará a 200 profesionales en dos años

These innovation centers "will play a critical role in the bank's operations and strategy". "We expect that, in the next two years, they will have around 200 professionals specialized in areas such as advanced cloud architectures, cloud computing, security and data," said BBVA Chair, Carlos Torres Vila.

Technology and data are two essential drivers within BBVA's strategy, enabling it to meet its objectives of helping its customers improve their financial health and transition to a decarbonized economy, through the development of personalized services and proactive recommendations. These two centers, which have already begun hiring, will bring new talent to the BBVA Group and will facilitate the adoption of the latest technologies, which are essential to the bank's transformation.

In the first quarter of 2022, BBVA will establish these centers in Bilbao, which are part of its most important technology companies: BBVA Next Technologies. These will be located in the entrepreneurship and innovation center ‘BAT, B Accelerator Tower’, located in the Bizkaia Tower and BBVA IT, which will also be located in the center of the city, specifically, in Henao Street. Both companies are already in the process of hiring professionals for the centers in the Biscayan capital.

The launch of this project in Bilbao has been possible thanks to the signing of a collaboration agreement with the Biscay Provincial Council. As a result, the bank will also promote digitization, the promotion of talent and the development of culture as levers of economic and social transformation.

BBVA pone en marcha dos centros tecnológicos en Bilbao y contratará a 200 profesionales en dos años

From left to the right: BBVA Chairman, Carlos Torres Vila, and Unai Rementeria, General President of Biscay.

BBVA Next Technologies BBVA Next Technologies is a company specialized in software engineering, created to accelerate the technological transformation of BBVA and other leading companies in Spain. The company has close to 900 experts who provide strategy and solution development services: cloud, data and security.

Meanwhile, BBVA IT develops, maintains and improves critical services for the bank, such as the digital factory, and provides support to the different business areas: Central Services and Data. It comprises more than 750 employees, mostly software developers and big data experts.

In addition to attracting and retaining high-profile technical talent, BBVA will invest in the training of teams and provide its expertise in 'open innovation', bringing technology and innovation even closer to Bilbao and supporting the digitization of the industrial sector.