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Millennials are perhaps the most overanalyzed and overgeneralized generation in history, and the myths surrounding them are endless. From “clueless” to “brainiest” and “self-obsessed” to “socially conscious,” the stereotypes of those born between 1982 and 1995 are often contradictory and range from flattering to derogatory. But just like any other generation, Millennials are by no means homogenous.

When a customer takes money out of an ATM, pays a bill with an app, or sells stocks online, it’s a key moment in their relationship with a bank. That’s why designers (design researchers, service designers, design strategists, UX designers, etc.) are playing a vital role in the digital transformation underway in the banking industry.

Edmund Hillary was the first person to reach the top of Mount Everest in 1953 - a feat that brought him worldwide fame, but also changed his life. His relationship with the mountains was so intense that he once said, “It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.” When asked about his hobbies, Ricardo Forcano (Zaragoza, 1977) answers right away, “the mountain.” It´s probably the best place to order ideas, propose new challenges and work as a team. All those experiences can be applied to the business world, and that’s what Ricardo Forcano is doing as head of the Talent and Culture area of BBVA.

As the markets expected, at its June meeting the European Central Bank (ECB) closed the door on further interest-rate cuts and adopted a more neutral stance on risks, although maintaining caution. Despite the fact that the institution has not yet given signs of taking a step to exit the current monetary policy, the ECB Watch report published by BBVA Research suggests that in September it may announce a slowdown in asset purchases starting in 2018.