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Managing processes and people can be one of the most challenging tasks for any organization. It requires not only making the most out of the available resources, but also optimizing time, coordinating the team, defining action protocols and assigning tasks. And when all this has to be carried out in the context of challenging projects developed in dynamic environments, the most common option is to resort to the so-called scrum methodology. So, what qualities do the people leading these work groups have to bring to the team?

Just as the BBVA Group is reinventing itself to offer the best customer experience and customer experience and lead the new financial industry, we at BBVA Paraguay are hard at work to contribute to this transformation process. And we have the best talent in the country to do so.

If there is something that unites the BBVA Paraguay team is its members’ passion for the brand. And no other color reflects that passion better than blue.

In the last five years, Paraguay’s economy grew at an annual average rate of around 5% - one of the highest in the region. This economic performance is especially remarkable considering it occurred in a rather volatile international environment, characterized by turbulent international financial markets, lower capital inflows to emerging economies and falling prices for metals and agricultural products. The Paraguayan economy was also affected by declining activity of some the region’s most significant trade partners.