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The beta testing process consists in making a controlled validation of an app in its beta version with actual users. in the case of BBVA, these users are, mostly, the company’s own employees. If the people that work for a brand are always its best prescribers, who better than them to try out its products and provide feedback and comments before they are released?

The ECB is leaving interest rates and the parameters of its bond buying program untouched and President Draghi dismissed rumors about removing monetary stimulus before March 2017. The ECB has no plans to end the program abruptly.

Millenials have become the true engine of Latin America’s society. Not only in economic terms, but also in political and social aspects. They have witnessed the comeback of one of the most powerful regions in the world, and have been granted access to far greater technological resources than they would’ve ever imagined.

18% of consumers are unable to rate the social commitment of companies due to a lack of awareness of the policies and actions that they develop. However, when asked to rate companies based on their performance other fields (products/services, leadership, innovation, etc), this percentage drops by 50%. This is one of the key takeaways of the 2016 CSR RepTrak® 100 report, recently released by consulting firm Reputation Institute within the framework of a webinar, in which BBVA also participated.