Garanti BBVA Customer Contact Center ranked best in Europe, Middle East and Asia by Contact Center World
Garanti BBVA won the "Best Contact Center with More than 1,000 Employees" award in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia at the Global Top Ranking Performance Awards. The accolades, organized by Contact Center World, a leading authority in the contact center industry, drew over 2,000 entries from 80 countries. This year marked the 19th edition of the event.

Garanti BBVA Executive Vice President Ceren Acer Kezik said: "We constantly enhance our Customer Contact Center, the bank's busiest channel, with new offerings. We focus on improving our swift, innovative services while introducing new technology-driven solutions to resolve customer queries at first contact."

Garanti BBVA Executive Vice President Ceren Acer Kezik.
Garanti BBVA handles over 67 million customer contacts annually through voice, video and written channels. The bank introduced "Digital Password" last year for quicker service access, and is now upgrading its Interactive Voice Response System to better understand customer needs. In addition, artificial intelligence developments will enable more personalized and faster service. BBVA’s Turkish franchise welcomes this recognition of its efforts from Contact Center World, a leading international organization.
"We're enhancing customer experience across all channels through technology investments, while expanding our product range to create more value," Kezik added.