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High social impact products

03 Dec 2020

Movistar Money will offer consumer loans to Telefónica customers in Colombia, both individuals and companies. The deal could expand to other countries in South America where both companies have a presence.  The company plans to begin operations in the second quarter of 2021 following a successful commercial pilot carried out by BBVA and Telefónica several months ago.

16 Sep 2020

08 Nov 2019

08 Oct 2019

12 Nov 2018

29 Aug 2018

30 Jun 2018

05 Jun 2018

17 May 2018

Drawing on its skills, knowledge and experience as one of the most active banks in the sustainable finance sector, BBVA has been selected by Hera to help in the structuring and execution of the first RFC (revolving credit facility) loan in Italy. This is the first sustainable operation of these characteristics in the country. BBVA has acted as the sustainable agent, leading the operation valued at €200 million.

26 Apr 2018

BBVA has signed a financing contract with Forestalia, Mirova, GE and ENGIE to develop the first 300 megawatts (MW) of wind power free of subsidies and incentives in Spain. The 9 wind farm complex, dubbed the Goya Project, will be built in the province of Zaragoza. The 300 MW were awarded in the first renewable energy auction in Spain, held in January 2016, in which Forestalia was the largest bidder. This is also the first green loan to be granted in Spain under the "Green Loan Principles" in which BBVA has coordinated the issue, with Altermia providing Second Party Opinion.

20 Apr 2018

11 Apr 2018

26 Feb 2018

05 Feb 2018

Green loans have arrived in force on the world’s financial markets. The volume of these sustainable products, which up to now had appeared sporadically, has shown a marked increase since last year. BBVA ended 2017 as the most active company in green loans worldwide, with a total of 11 transactions in Europe and Latin America for clients in a range of sectors, and was the undisputed number one in Spain.

29 Jan 2018

27 Dec 2017

21 Dec 2017

19 Dec 2017

14 Dec 2017

31 Oct 2017

25 Oct 2017

In today's society, there is an increasing demand for sustainable growth and development. To respond to that demand, there are financial instruments such as social bonds, whose resources are by definition destined for projects that improve the social environment. This market has already reached 25.5 billion euros.

17 Oct 2017

28 Sep 2017

24 Sep 2017

BBVA Executive Chairman Francisco González has reinforced the Group’s commitment to the U.S. after the most recent natural disasters. “We’re going to redouble our commitment to those affected through a number of actions,” he explained. In Houston, where he met with the city’s mayor, Sylvester Turner, he gave a message of solidarity on behalf of the entire BBVA Group. Francisco González also announced that he is going to visit Mexico City in the coming days to see first-hand the damages caused by the Sept. 19 earthquake.

20 Sep 2017

12 Sep 2017

BBVA has acted as Green Loan Coordinator of a €176 million green loan granted to Sociedade Concesionaria Novo Hospital de Vigo S.A., the concessionaire responsible for non-hospital services at the instititution, which has been renamed Hospital Álvaro Cunqueiro. Servizo Galego de Saúde, Galicia’s healthcare service, awarded the 25-year construction and operation to the concessionaire, a consortium formed by Acciona, Grupo Puentes, Veolia España and Concesia.

01 Sep 2017

This week marks yet another milestone for BBVA in green financing in Europe. SSE, the largest producer of renewable energy in the UK, chose BBVA to act as green structuring bank and joint bookrunner on its inaugural EUR 600 million green bond. This is the biggest-ever green bond issued by a UK company, and the financing will be destined to the refinancing of onshore wind farms in SSE’s energy generation portfolio.

31 Jul 2017

14 Jul 2017

13 Jul 2017