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Financial economics

18 Nov 2021

12 May 2021

29 May 2020

06 Feb 2020

24 Jul 2019

12 Jul 2019

Decision making can be psychologically, emotionally and sometimes even physically exhausting. That’s why all of us have created mental shortcuts, biases, and preferences that help us make decisions. While this can save us time and fatigue, it doesn’t always help us make the best decisions.

09 Jul 2019

We humans have a history of finding faster, simpler, more efficient ways of doing things. Over time, we’ve sped up every process from building a car to ordering a pizza online.  So it’s really no surprise that we’ve also established thought processes to help us wade through all the information we encounter and make decisions more quickly.

14 May 2019

Every day, we ask our brains to make decisions, about what to wear, what to order, which shoes to buy, which route to take to work. Some of these decisions are made so automatically, we aren’t even aware we’re making them. Our brains do that on purpose -- relying on shortcuts and preferences -- to avoid the continuous ongoing stress of making the same decisions again and again.

17 Aug 2018

16 Aug 2018

EBITDA, or Earnings Before Interests, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization, is an accounting measure that shows the gross income before financial expenses are deducted, and which allows financial analysts to assess the behavior and financial standing of companies.

19 Feb 2018

12 Dec 2017

BBVA Francés is fully immersed in its transformation to digital banking. This year, the bank moved into a modern tower in Buenos Aires, where it is growing as a company, both culturally and in terms of teamwork. Customer experience is setting the pace of change towards a mobile future. For CEO Martín Zarich, the customer experience sets the pace towards a changeable future. In his opinion: "the moment is now, not in five years' time".

17 Nov 2017

16 Nov 2017

Money 20/20 Las Vegas is without doubt one of the showcase events for technology and financial services in the world. Every years thousands of people involved in the industry, from big banks like BBVA to technology firms like Google and most importantly innovators and start-ups, gather to discuss the future of the industry.

16 Oct 2017

BBVA and BBVA Bancomer are piloting an FX matching application developed by Calypso Technology, a leading provider of cloud based cross asset trading software solutions for the financial markets, and enterprise software firm R3. The application, which runs on R3’s Corda platform and is facilitated by Calypso’s cloud services, has already been used by the two banks to match a test FX trade.

Non-performing assets, monetary policy and digitization are the three most pressing challenges that EU banks are facing, according to José Manuel González-Páramo. BBVA’s Executive Board Director participated in the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the Institute of International Finance (IIF) that took place in Washington D.C. last week, which he attended together with a large delegation of BBVA executives.

13 Oct 2017

18 Sep 2017

The EBA recently completed its latest monitoring exercise to assess EU Banks’ capital, leverage, and liquidity ratios assuming full implementation of the CRD IV-CRR/Basel III framework.  Overall, the results show that, between June and December of 2016, there was an improvement in both CET1 capital and liquidity ratios.

08 Sep 2017

For months, European authorities have been mulling over a crucial issue for the health of the financial sector: reducing the stock of non-performing assets that have been piling up in banks’ balance sheets during the years of financial crisis.  The creation of a bad European bank is one of the alternatives that are being considered to solve the problem.

29 Aug 2017

09 Aug 2017

In 2007, one of the biggest financial crisis in modern history started, one that has brought drastic changes to the world’s economy.

The bursting of the financial bubble caused by subprime mortgages triggered a deep economic recession, especially in countries such as Spain.  The crisis also resulted in record-high unemployment rates that still affect large segments of the population.  This is how the crisis that started a decade ago has evolved and affected people and the economy.

17 Jul 2017

The financial crisis has had dire consequences on the banking sector’s landscape.  Of the 8,600 entities that operated in Europe in 2008, only 6,500 remained at the beginning of this year.  In addition, these banks now have to operate under a regulatory framework that’s much stricter than the one that existed before the crisis, in a market that has also changed.  All this is leading European banks to shift their business models.  Do they now have a more retail-minded profile than before the crisis?  That’s what it looks like.

11 Jul 2017

Unlike other sectors in Turkey, banks are standing out because of the excellent progress of their financial indicators in the first part of 2017. One of the reasons is the measures taken by the Turkish Government to stimulate growth. However, there are also other reasons that are making Turkish banks the ones preferred by many investors. Garanti, owned 49.85% by BBVA, has particularly shined bright.

07 Jul 2017

The agility, price and quality of digital services benefit customers, according to BBVA Executive Director José Manuel González-Páramo. At the Young Ibero-American Leaders Convention, organized by the Carolina Foundation in Madrid, he explained the benefits of the digital age for customers, especially in Latin America where a large portion of the population does not have access to financial services. “Customers are the main beneficiaries of the technological change we are experiencing. The opportunities enabled by digitization give more power to them,” he indicated.

At a debate about the opportunities offered by digitization, he noted that “the immense agility” with which customers can be reached, “the prices that are so low” compared to the past and “the quality of services” benefit customers.

27 Jun 2017

16 Jun 2017

BBVA Executive Director José Manuel González-Páramo today closed the EduFin Summit in Mexico, which the bank organized. In his opinion, “we are at a key moment in the development of financial education”, due to the socioeconomic changes taking place, the growing complexity of financial products and the digital transformation of banking.

15 Jun 2017

Education and financial inclusion are the principal themes of EduFin Summit 2017, the first global encounter organized by the BBVA Center for Financial Education and Capability. For two days, the world´s leading experts will meet in Mexico City to discuss how to help people improve their lives and access new opportunities, by means of financial knowledge.

07 Jun 2017

30 Mar 2017

There has been an increasing focus on sustainable finance and on the impact of the climate change for the financial stability since 2015 year. Having said that, sustainable finance and the analysis of the consequences of climate change for the financial system are still in a very nascent stage and there is still a lot of work to be done. Two leading projects that are a step in the right direction are those of the Financial Stability Board (FSB) Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Recommendations -at global level- and the creation of a European Expert Group on sustainable finance -in the EU.