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16 Dec 2021

Rating agency Standard & Poor’s (S&P) has raised BBVA’s rating to A from A-. The outlook is negative, mirroring the negative outlook of Spain's sovereign rating. S&P underscores BBVA’s strength and geographic diversification, the profitability of its retail banking franchise, its cautious risk management and the strength of its capital, among other factors.

04 Jul 2019

Credit rating agency Fitch has upgraded BBVA's senior preferred debt long-term rating by one notch to A from A-. Fitch has also affirmed the Group’s long-term Issuer Default Rating at A- with a negative outlook, thanks to the strength of the bank in Spain and the resilience of its Mexican franchise.

31 May 2018

17 Apr 2018

After the recent ratings upgrades announced by S&P, and DBRS, rating agency Moody’s has changed the outlook on its long-term rating for BBVA (Baa1) to positive from stable. In its press release, Moody’s said it favorably views the bank’s capacity to issue bail-in-able debt in order to meet MREL requirements.

12 Apr 2018

06 Apr 2018

S&P has upgraded BBVA’s long-term debt rating to A- from BBB+, a level the institution had not achieved since early 2012. The agency underscored the strength of BBVA’s franchises in the countries in which it operates, aiming at strengthening profitability while pushing for digitalization.

26 Feb 2018

A report by Standard and Poor’s Global (S&P) analyzes the potential impact on the financial sector of the entry of tech giants such as Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon. Although no immediate changes to bank ratings is foreseen, the report points out that in the long term these companies are well placed to get a position  in segments of the chain such as payment systems.

10 Jan 2018

Today marks the second anniversary of death of David Bowie, a pop icon who needs no introduction. Hundreds of lines have been written about his life, career and concerts. But what many are not aware of is that Bowie was also a pioneer in the financial world: he was the first artist ever to issue a “celebrity bond.”

06 Oct 2017

Credit ratings are estimates that gauge the ability of a company, public administration or financial product to meet their financial commitments. In many cases they are taken as key indicators in capital markets when making investment decisions.

16 Jun 2017

The BBVA Group released today a new presentation for fixed income analysts and investors. The presentation will be updated on a quarterly basis.  The document offers detailed information about BBVA Group’s fundamentals and strategy in a number of fields of relevance for the market, with a special focus on credit quality, as well as the BBVA Group’s liquidity and capital adequacy position.

02 Jun 2017

Moody´s ratings agency has confirmed its stable outlook for the Spanish banking sector. This reflects the agency´s view regarding the evolution of the sector over the next two years. Moody´s believes that GDP growth will allow financial institutions to continue improving their asset quality metrics, although at a slower pace than last year. Likewise, Moody´s expects that the profitability of the banks will be maintained throughout 2017-2018, since lower provisions will compensate for the pressure on margins due to low interest rates.

04 May 2017

Rating agencies are private institutions whose main function is to assess the credit risk of a company or financial product through a series of ratings. These assessments are often used in capital markets as benchmarks for investment decisions.

04 Apr 2017

S&P changed its outlook for BBVA’s long-term rating (BBB+) from stable to positive. The agency once again highlighted the Group’s strong financial profile, resilient profitability levels and solid capital position.

07 Apr 2016

12 Jan 2016

BBVA is the early-bird Spanish bank in the debt markets in 2016. Once again, it is the first Spanish bank to make an offering on the market in euros of 1 billion euros in 5-year senior bonds. The issue has been very favorably received. International demand exceeded 2.4 billion euros, which has enabled the bank to offer at more competitive prices than initially forecast.