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Project finance

27 Oct 2023

15 Jun 2023

BBVA Chair Carlos Torres Vila concluded the sixth edition of BBVA Open Summit, the annual entrepreneurship event, recalling the bank’s commitment to innovation. “BBVA has 600 million committed to various venture capital funds. The recent focus of these investments is on driving decarbonization and the development of innovative entrepreneurship in our main markets. Both areas make strategic sense for BBVA, to incorporate new knowledge into the Group and to support the companies we want to be our customers,” said Torres Vila at the closing of the event.

03 May 2023

The European Investment Fund (EIF) and BBVA are set to make it easier for startups with innovative and sustainable value propositions to get access to financing. The two institutions have concluded an agreement under the InvestEU guarantee programme whereby the EIF will grant a €200 million guarantee to enable BBVA Spark (BBVA’s specialised startup initiative) to strengthen its support for startups, helping them with their expansion plans.

18 Jul 2022

The EIB Group, comprising the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Investment Fund (EIF), has signed a new asset-backed securities (ABS) purchase agreement with BBVA. The deal encompasses several transactions through a single securitization, with a structure designed to achieve optimal efficiency. In addition, the EIB Group signed an agreement with BBVA for a €54 million synthetic securitization under the European Guarantee Fund (EGF) program.

15 Jun 2022

18 Oct 2021

13 Jul 2021

The European Investment Bank (EIB) and BBVA have further strengthened their relationship and signed an agreement to support large Spanish companies and mid-caps affected by the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. To this end, the EIB will grant a guarantee of up to €400 million to BBVA, enabling the Spanish bank to mobilise more than €1.015 billion in the real economy via loans.

15 Sep 2020

07 Aug 2020

06 Aug 2020

24 Jul 2020

Acceleration programmes, like Open Innovation from BBVA helping startups from the fintech ecosystem, are an opportunity to offer tailored support that helps entrepreneurs to refine their model, boost their growth and access investment. In the case of the BBVA programme, the project is bringing to a close nine months of workshops, mentoring and support. For the bank and entrepreneurs, the initiative has provided an opportunity to learn together.

08 Jul 2020

BBVA has closed with Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP), one of the leading global investors in renewable energy, a green loan, long-term project financing credit facility for the investment in the Monegros portfolio of 12 onshore wind farms in Aragon, Spain. BBVA has had all significant roles, including sole bookrunner, structuring bank and green loan coordinator in this transaction amounting to a total of EUR 380m. Apart from BBVA, the final club deal group was composed of five other European banks.

09 Dec 2019

04 Sep 2019

Alberto Cano (Oviedo, 1974) is Head of SMEs at BBVA Spain. Previously, he has been Area Manager of Commercial Banking in different regions of Spain and has undertaken various business-related positions within management of the Eastern Territory.

SMEs have always been a priority line of business for BBVA. The department Alberto leads is key in supporting this sector, which increasingly demands simple and agile processes that facilitate business management and help companies make better decisions to grow.

30 May 2019

08 May 2019

23 Jan 2019

23 Apr 2018

06 Feb 2018

Investor angels, or business angels, are people who invest their money in the initial phase of startups, in exchange for a participation in capital. They also usually carry out the role of a mentor and offer their consent and experience to entrepreneurs.

22 Jan 2018

Alternative finance keeps gaining traction in Europe and Spain is no exception. By volume of activity —and excluding the UK— Spain ranks fifth in the European Union for the fourth consecutive year in this segment, behind France, Germany, the Netherlands and Finland. In 2016, Spain’s alternative finance sector grew by 162%, to €131 million.

28 Dec 2017

17 Dec 2017

Argentina’s small and medium sized enterprises, despite being pummeled by taxes and struggling to access credit, managed to survive the collapse of consumption. Now, they are gearing up to capitalize on the improving economic outlook, thanks to the lending and tax measures that the government will roll out in short to encourage them to invest. Four our of every 10 companies say they intend to do so.

30 Oct 2017

03 Oct 2017

28 Sep 2017

12 Sep 2017

BBVA has acted as Green Loan Coordinator of a €176 million green loan granted to Sociedade Concesionaria Novo Hospital de Vigo S.A., the concessionaire responsible for non-hospital services at the instititution, which has been renamed Hospital Álvaro Cunqueiro. Servizo Galego de Saúde, Galicia’s healthcare service, awarded the 25-year construction and operation to the concessionaire, a consortium formed by Acciona, Grupo Puentes, Veolia España and Concesia.

14 Jul 2017

13 Jun 2017

Funding is one of the biggest challenges that entrepreneurs face when launching their own company. And getting it is not easy. But now, Trust·u, a new SME-oriented financing model, aims to help recently created companies overcome this hurdle by offering loans to startups that are able to convince relatives and friends to support them.

08 Jun 2017

We have experienced the deepest global crisis since the Great Depression. Among the things that have changed - perhaps for good - is the way the financial sector now acts at  a global level to manage both credit and reputational risk. This has coincided with what amounts to a genuine explosion in technology, which has undoubtedly only just begun.

24 Mar 2017

BBVA Momentum is not your typical business funding program, because it places a special emphasis on strategic mentoring, training and support. However, businesses enroll in the program for a number of reasons, including the possibility of being awarded a cash prize that will allow them increase their impact. For this reason, the new edition will continue providing access to investment, but with a different approach.