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30 Nov 2022

09 Feb 2021

07 Nov 2019

Garanti BBVA Mortgage unit has joined the Energy Efficient Mortgages Initiative (EEMI) Pilot Scheme which is supported by the European Union's Energy Efficient Mortgages Action Plan (EeMap) Initiative, thus becoming the first EEM member from Turkey. As such, Garanti BBVA Mortgage joins 48 other lending institutions who have committed to testing the final energy efficient mortgages framework by implementing it into their existing product lines and processes.

04 Nov 2019

20 Sep 2019

Summer days are dropping like the gold, brown and red leaves of fall. School has started for students across the nation, and vacation days are becoming few and far between. But why not plan ahead and think about investing in a property that could bring both memories and lucrative situations?

21 Jun 2019

03 Jun 2019

For many Americans, their home is their greatest source of wealth. It is for this reason — and many others — that the housing market has always been an extremely important part of the U.S. economy. What's more, studies have shown time and time again homeowners are more active in their communities, healthier and less likely to be victims of crime. Simply put, home ownership is good for our citizens, our communities and our country. Which is why over the years, the U.S. government has created programs designed to make homeownership accessible for more Americans.

24 May 2019

Homeownership has always been a part of the American dream. All you have to do is work hard, and you can get your piece of the economic pie. We're a country built on the promise of social mobility, and for many Americans, owning a home means you made it to the top.

16 Jan 2019

In general, banks are able to continue with business as usual during a government shutdown. Accounts can be opened, transactions can be processed, loans can be funded. However, there are some areas that rely heavily on Federal employees in specific situations.

19 Oct 2018

Whether it’s your first home or your fourth, the whole mortgage process can be confusing and stressful… so many decisions to make, so much jargon to decipher, so many boxes to initial.

One simple word you may hear is “points”. It sounds like such a simple word, but do you really know what points are?  A point is technically one percent of your mortgage amount, or $1,000 for every $100,000 you finance.