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Corporate finance

11 Mar 2024

Luisa Gómez Bravo has been CFO of the Group since September 2023. She recognizes that the first few months in her new role have been very intense. After all, the Finance unit is responsible for the Group’s financial planning and monitoring, for capital, for managing liquidity and structural balance sheet risks, for relations with the Group’s investors and shareholders, and many other functions. After a historic 2023 in financial terms, Gómez Bravo predicts that 2024 will be another great year for BBVA. This will be possible, she maintains, thanks to the Group’s structural strengths:  leading franchises in high growth markets and a strategic focus based on the opportunities provided by innovation, digitization and sustainability. And these focal points have been the main drivers of the bank’s growth. “BBVA’s ability to combine profitability and growth is unique in the European banking sector and it sets us apart from our competitors,” she stressed.

03 Nov 2023

21 Jun 2022

25 May 2022

Remote commerce has grown exponentially in recent years, a trend that has been driven by the pandemic. During lockdowns, ecommerce skyrocketed and payments via apps and cell phones grew at a dizzying rate. On top of this, new technologies were already favoring the emergence of new, more convenient payment methods and boosting e-commerce.

30 Jun 2021

23 Nov 2020

15 Sep 2020

14 Jul 2020

13 Jan 2020

02 Jan 2020

26 Dec 2019

07 Mar 2019

26 Dec 2018

Going public is an option that many businesses start considering after reaching a certain stage in their development, whether to access funding from capital markets and drive their growth strategy, or to offer the opportunity to its private shareholders to obtain liquidity, crystalize the value of their shares and diversify their asset portfolio. But, what factors determine the success of an IPO?

28 Aug 2018

21 Aug 2018

20 Jun 2018

15 Mar 2018

22 Feb 2018

The headlines about the U.S. dollar this year have underscored how complicated it is to predict the movement of any one currency in a global economy. They’ve gone from grim (“Dollar set for worst January in 30 years”) to triumphant (“Dollar claws back”) to deflated (“Dollar’s rebound fizzles”) in a matter of weeks.

19 Feb 2018

31 Jan 2018

04 Oct 2017

26 Sep 2017

31 Jul 2017

13 Jul 2017

The future of mobile banking will come down to user experience, personalization and how, in the future, banks will create new sources of value for customers through digital partnerships, according to Forrester Research analyst Aurélie L’Hostis.

20 Jun 2017

16 Jun 2017

BBVA Executive Director José Manuel González-Páramo today closed the EduFin Summit in Mexico, which the bank organized. In his opinion, “we are at a key moment in the development of financial education”, due to the socioeconomic changes taking place, the growing complexity of financial products and the digital transformation of banking.

30 May 2017

The Corporate Finance business at BBVA started 2017 in as good as shape as it ended last year. In 2016, BBVA closed 18 deals in Spain, 10 in Mexico and six in Latin America. The start of 2017 was very busy, and the Bank "hopes to once again be the bank with the most closed deals in its core markets, especially in Spain and Mexico."

15 Feb 2017

01 Feb 2017

16 Jan 2017