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31 Aug 2020

As part of its collaborative framework with Turkey's Notary Association, Garanti BBVA has created the Safe Selling System for the buying and selling of second-hand vehicles. Thanks to this new system, Garanti BBVA customers will no longer need to bring the cash amount of the purchase with them and they will be able to complete the deal online or using their smartphone in a process that is simple, fast, and safe.

16 Dec 2017

A chronic deficit in infrastructure for telecommunications and logistics has hindered  Argentina’s competitiveness in the tourism industry. Even so, since 2015 the country has moved up seven positions in the World Economic Forum’s biannual report on Latin America.

22 Nov 2017

07 Nov 2017

02 Nov 2017

13 Oct 2017

Airbus continues its firm commitment to completely revolutionizing means of transportation. Like Spacex and Musk with their Hyperloop, Airbus reported that they’ve just successfully completed the first propulsion tests with their City Airbus demonstrator – a multi-passenger, self-piloted electric vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) vehicle designed for urban air mobility. The first flight test of the demonstrator is scheduled for end of 2018.

04 Oct 2017

21 Aug 2017

Under 30, entrepreneurs and digital. This are the common traits that define the young Europeans chosen by Forbes magazine in its '30 Under 30' list. A mobile navigation aide for the visually impaired, a meal kit delivery platform, a t-shirt that allows users to peek inside the human body, a nightlife finder in London... Many tech-related projects that deserve special attention.  Here we take a look at a few of them.

29 May 2017

11 Apr 2017

Their survival was one of the greatest achievements in American flight of the 20th Century.  Their mission has been called “the most successful space failure in history.” The Apollo 13 space mission was launched 47 years ago today, on April 11th, 1970. Its crew didn´t know then what their destiny would be, the dangers they would face, or how famous that phrase would become, as it was broadcast and translated – erroneously – around the world. There was even a movie made about their story.

22 Feb 2017

The automotive industry is getting ready for a new era in which vehicles’ connectivity will be just as important as their engines. Silicon Valley’s influence over the sector’s future continues to grow.

10 Jan 2017

02 Jan 2017

If Google, Uber, Apple, Amazon, Tesla have it their way, 2017 will be the year of the transport revolution. A revolution that will inexorably disrupt markets and societies, with a fresh new wave of self-driving, electrical, connected, faster and sustainable vehicles.

07 Jul 2016

Since 2010, more than 10,000 Toyota Corolla cars have been stolen in the U.S. This car tops the list of the 25 most stolen cars in the U.S., together with the Nissan Altima and the Toyota Camry.


03 Jun 2016

The trade finance or foreign trade activity accompanies people and businesses in their activity importing/exporting goods and services, mitigating the risks that exist in international commercial relations and simplifying the settlement of operations. The same commercial transaction can require different solutions over time, depending on the moment at which it takes place and the role of the parties involved (importer or exporter).

01 Mar 2016

US and EU representatives agreed to extend the current round of talks regarding the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), started on February 22nd, two additional weeks. Both parties were clear about their satisfaction regarding the ground covered over the past days, and ratified their commitment to conclude an agreement in 2016.

25 Feb 2016

“It is basically a train travelling within an airless vacuum tube. No air means no resistance and a highly efficient system,” explains Ángel Benedicto, one of the five students of the Polytechnic University of Valencia that won the first prize in the category of General Design and also winners in the Propulsion/Compression Subsystem Technical Excellence, organized by SpaceX, the US aerospace company, and the University of Texas A&M.

26 Aug 2014