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Motor vehicle industry

26 Dec 2023

03 Feb 2021

05 Nov 2020

06 Aug 2020

03 Feb 2020

24 Nov 2017

"I love it when I start up my Mustang. It's awesome. It's just the way it sounds, it speaks a special language that only you understand." Rudy Bustos works as the Operations Manager for Transaction Operations and Vault Services at BBVA Compass and he has two passions: cars and creating opportunities for others.

22 Nov 2017

07 Nov 2017

02 Nov 2017

13 Oct 2017

Airbus continues its firm commitment to completely revolutionizing means of transportation. Like Spacex and Musk with their Hyperloop, Airbus reported that they’ve just successfully completed the first propulsion tests with their City Airbus demonstrator – a multi-passenger, self-piloted electric vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) vehicle designed for urban air mobility. The first flight test of the demonstrator is scheduled for end of 2018.

29 Sep 2017

29 May 2017

23 Feb 2017

New York, Oslo, Vitoria or Bogotá… The world’s largest - and not so large – cities compete to be recognized as the ‘smartest’. But, what exactly is a ‘smart city’? Cities are trying to innovate to improve the living standards of their inhabitants

10 Jan 2017

02 Jan 2017

If Google, Uber, Apple, Amazon, Tesla have it their way, 2017 will be the year of the transport revolution. A revolution that will inexorably disrupt markets and societies, with a fresh new wave of self-driving, electrical, connected, faster and sustainable vehicles.

14 Sep 2016

The auto industry is one of the industries with the greatest growth in the Mexican economy because everything from autoparts production to car assembly and its connection to the international market have performed well.

In previous years, we observed growth in this industry and estimated that vehicle production would increase 1,5% in 2016 compared to the previous year, despite a tough start to the year with 3,1% declines in the first half of the year. This represents an increase of approximately 51.000 units. Next year, production could increase to just over 4 million units, which would mean a 17,4% jump in 2017. This would once again put the industry at the forefront of the Mexican economy.

22 Dec 2014

Mobility is one of the hot topics for any major city. Up until now, mobility policies were based on a combination of, primarily, motor and overground public and private transportation. But this model is showing signs of wear in many cities. The main alternative has been subways and unground transportation systems. However, lately new trends in urban travel have emerged; they involve traditional means of transport now equipped with an engine, such as kick scooters and electric bikes. They reflect a change in how people move around in cities.