Shareholders' meeting
Corporate information
BBVA shareholders overwhelmingly support the bank’s management and the re-election of Carlos Torres Vila and Onur Genç
BBVA shareholders showed overwhelming support for all of the items proposed on the agenda at the 2025 Annual General Meeting, held this Friday. Quorum for the meeting reached 72.9 percent– an all-time high. The bank’s corporate management in 2024 received the support of 98.9 percent of the shareholders. Furthermore, the re-election as board members of BBVA Chair, Carlos Torres Vila, and CEO, Onur Genç, was backed by 97.4 percent and 99.1 percent of the votes, respectively.
Corporate information
Carlos Torres Vila: "Both BBVA and Banco Sabadell shareholders will become the owners of a bank better prepared for the future”
On Friday, BBVA held its Annual General Meeting in Bilbao, where the Chair, Carlos Torres Vila, took stock of an excellent year. During his presentation, he underscored that BBVA, “with its strategic plan, aims to consolidate its business growth, multiply its contribution to society and create value for everyone.” In his opinion, it is crucial that Europe and Spain have banks with the right scale to take on the challenges posed by the new global landscape. In this context, BBVA is proposing the integration with Banco Sabadell as a “clear commitment to Spain and its companies.” Carlos Torres Vila stressed that with this transaction “both BBVA and Banco Sabadell shareholders will become the owners of a bank better prepared for the future.”
20 Mar 2025
On Friday, March 21st at 12:00 PM (CET), BBVA will hold its 2025 Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the Euskalduna Conference Center in Bilbao (Spain). BBVA is making it easier for its shareholders to participate in the AGM by offering a hybrid model, combining in-person attendance with the option of remote participation. To participate remotely, shareholders need to register in advance on the Remote Attendance Portal. Furthermore, the bank’s corporate website will broadcast the event via webcast.
04 Mar 2025
Shareholders' meeting
Carlos Torres Vila points to BBVA’s winning combination of growth and profitability in a video for shareholders
On March 21, BBVA will be holding its 2025 Annual General Meeting in Bilbao. In a recent video addressed to shareholders, Carlos Torres Vila underlines the bank’s achievements in a year in which it surpassed €10 billion in profit for the first time. In 2024, more than 11 million new customers joined BBVA and lending was up 14 percent, thus contributing to job creation, social well-being and investments. Meanwhile, the return on tangible equity (ROTE) reached 20 percent. “Once again we stand out among leading European banks thanks to our winning combination of growth and profitability,” remarks Carlos Torres Vila.
05 Jul 2024
Corporate information
BBVA shareholders overwhelmingly approve capital increase for Banco Sabadell integration
With 96 percent of votes in favor, the shareholders have given “their overwhelming support to the capital increase needed to extend our offer to Banco Sabadell shareholders,” BBVA Chair Carlos Torres Vila said. During his speech, he said that this combination will allow the bank to gain scale and undertake the necessary investments in technology required to compete at a global level. Today “marks a very important milestone to move ahead with the most attractive project in European banking,” he underlined at the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting this Friday in Bilbao.
10 Jun 2024
Corporate information
Carlos Torres Vila tells BBVA shareholders that the transaction with Banco Sabadell represents “clear value creation”
On July 5th, BBVA will hold an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting to approve a capital increase and thus move ahead with the process to purchase Banco Sabadell. BBVA Chair Carlos Torres Vila spoke to the bank’s shareholders in this video, in which he reminded them that this capital increase will not require them to make any disbursements. Furthermore, he stressed that “the combination of both banks will strengthen our position and scale in the Spanish market, giving us greater efficiency and profitability.” In his message, he emphasized that the operation “represents clear value creation” for the shareholders of BBVA and Sabadell, but also for customers, employees and society as a whole.
31 May 2024
Corporate information
BBVA convenes a shareholders’ meeting to increase capital, thus moving forward with Banco Sabadell’s offer
BBVA has convened an Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on July 5th¹ at the Euskalduna Conference Center in Bilbao. The bank is proposing to its shareholders the capital increase needed to proceed with the share exchange with Banco Sabadell. This capital increase will consist of issuing new BBVA shares that will be given to Banco Sabadell shareholders who take up the offer. BBVA shareholders are not required to make any disbursements.
15 Mar 2024
BBVA shareholders largely backed the items on the agenda, which were subject to vote at the Annual General Meeting held on Friday. The bank’s corporate management received 98.2 percent of the votes. The AGM’s quorum stood at 71 percent, the highest in the bank’s history.
Corporate information
Carlos Torres Vila: “BBVA’s ability to combine growth and profitability sets us apart from our competitors”
Carlos Torres Vila, Chair
- Impact on society: “In 2023, we increased our positive impact on all countries where we operate”.
- Shareholder distributions: “We are proposing to the AGM the distribution of more than €4 billion, 50 percent of the annual net attributable profit”.
- Future outlook: “In 2024, we will continue to grow profitably, creating opportunities for everyone”.
Onur Genç, CEO
- Earnings: “Our performance puts us at the top of the European banking industry in activity growth, profitability and efficiency”.
- Customer-focused: “We will continue focusing on our strategy based on innovation and digitization, which will allow us to offer a better service to our customers”.
- Team: “The excellent earnings we are presenting are the result of the work of more than 120,000 employees who are part of BBVA”.
In 2023, BBVA had great achievements financially and also in terms of value creation for all of its stakeholders. “BBVA’s ability to combine growth and profitability sets us apart from our competitors,” said Chair Carlos Torres Vila at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), held Friday in Bilbao, in northern Spain. During his speech, he predicted that following a record year for BBVA in profit and impact on society, “2024 will be even better.”
05 Mar 2024
A strong performance in 2023 and forward strides in strategy driven by digitization, innovation and sustainability enabled BBVA to continue to play a key role in the transformation of the economy and create opportunities for all its stakeholders: customers, shareholders, employees and wider society.
04 Mar 2024
Corporate information
Carlos Torres Vila underscores BBVA’s contribution to economic and social development in a video for shareholders
BBVA Chair Carlos Torres Vila speaks to the bank’s shareholders in this video commemorating the upcoming Annual General Meeting in Bilbao. In his message, he emphasizes BBVA’s growth in 2023 - in terms of customers, business, results and profitability. This growth has made it possible for the bank to increase its positive impact, and to continue creating opportunities for all of its stakeholders: customers, employees, shareholders and society as a whole. Furthermore, he stressed BBVA’s total distributions to shareholders, which surpassed €4 billion in 2023, or half of the bank’s earnings from the year. The BBVA Chair expects 2024 to be another great year for the bank, combining growth and profitability.
17 Mar 2023
On Monday, March 20th, BBVA will start to execute its €422 million share buyback program after receiving the authorization of the European Central Bank.
Corporate information
"BBVA faces 2023 with confidence and prospects for profitable growth in our main markets"
Carlos Torres Vila, Chair
- Customers: “We added more than 11 million new customers in 2022. We reach more people and we can increase the positive impact of our activity”
- Lending: “Last year we helped more than 100,000 families purchase their home and we financed nearly half a million SMEs and the self-employed”
- Shareholder distributions: BBVA is proposing to the AGM the distribution of €3.02 billion in dividends and a share buyback program
Onur Genç, CEO
- Results: Underscore “the trend of rising profits over the past ten years,” with the exception of the year of Covid
- Soundness: “Risk management has always been one of our strengths”
- Employees: “For BBVA, having the best, most diverse and committed team is a strategic priority and we work hard for this to be a reality”
BBVA is holding its Annual General Meeting at the Euskalduna Conference Center in Bilbao this Friday. The Chair of the bank, Carlos Torres Vila, analyzed the global macroeconomic situation, marked by uncertainties in financial markets and geopolitical, inflationary and interest rate tensions. In this context, BBVA produced solid figures in 2022, while increasing distributions to shareholders. Carlos Torres Vila assured that “despite the uncertainty and market volatility, at BBVA we face 2023 with confidence and prospects for profitable growth in our main markets.” “It is at times like these when the strength and soundness of the business model and of the risk management of BBVA stand out the most,” he said.
14 Mar 2023
When the shareholders of a corporation hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM), they become constituted as one of the main governing bodies of that company. At the AGM, the shareholders make decisions on the matters placed under their exclusive authority by law in the jurisdiction where the company is established, or by the company’s own internal rules, known as "bylaws." BBVA will hold this year's AGM on March 15, 2024, in Bilbao, Spain.
18 Mar 2022
BBVA Chair Carlos Torres Vila was re-elected as a Board member with 98 percent of the votes at the Annual General Meeting, held on Friday in Bilbao. The Group’s CEO Onur Genç was also re-elected with 99 percent of the votes. The AGM was held under a mixed format (remote and onsite), with a quorum of 65 percent.
Shareholders' meeting
"The invasion of Ukraine will have structural consequences on the global economy"
Carlos Torres Vila, Chair
- Ukraine: ”The Russian invasion of Ukraine represents an enormous human tragedy.” “There is no doubt that the war will increase inflation and will negatively impact growth”
- Strength: BBVA has great capacity to continue growing and to take advantage of the opportunities provided by the two major trends that are defining the future: innovation and sustainability
- Shareholders distributions: The total amount could reach up to €5.5 billion, taking into account the highest cash dividend per share of the past ten years, €0.31 per share, and the €3.5 billion share buyback program underway.
Onur Genç, CEO
- Results: We have posted “the highest recurring profit of the past 10 years.” The Group’s excellent earnings “are the result of a superb performance in all of our countries.”
- Goals: “We have set some very ambitious goals that show our commitment to profitable growth and value creation for shareholders”
- Team: “None of this would be possible without the best team. Everything we have achieved and our future successes are and will be thanks to the people that make up BBVA”
On Friday, BBVA is holding its Annual General Meeting at Bilbao’s Euskalduna Conference Center. Before going over the figures from 2021, Chair Carlos Torres Vila spoke of the invasion of Ukraine, which above all, represents an “enormous human tragedy.” In that regard, he said that beyond its immediate impact, this war “will have structural consequences on the global economy,” conditioning international relationships in all areas. “We are facing a new world order,” he added.
10 Feb 2022
Board of directors
BBVA's Board of Directors to appoint sustainable expert Connie Hedegaard, increasing female representation to 40 percent
BBVA will hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Bilbao, on March 18, 2022. As per the meeting agenda, it is to propose the appointment of Connie Hedegaard as a new board member, a highly qualified expert in the field of sustainability and climate change: She was the European Commissioner for Climate Action and Minister of the Environment in Denmark, her home country. BBVA’s Board of Directors will thus increase the number of women from five to six, of a total of 15 members, and will reach its goal of having at least 40 percent of women in its Board before the end of 2022, as agreed in its Selection, suitability and diversity policy. Furthermore, the Board will maintain a majority of independent board members (66.67 percent) and a 40 percent of international members.
20 Apr 2021
Shareholders' meeting
BBVA shareholders largely back the possibility of carrying out a relevant share buyback
BBVA shareholders backed the possibility of redeeming up to 10 percent of the bank’s share capital, equivalent to 667 million shares, with 99.6 percent of the votes at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in Bilbao today. This item on the agenda aims to be able to implement a relevant share buyback, as means of distribution to shareholders.
Carlos Torres Vila, Group Chairman
- Sustainability: Banks have a key role in “analyzing investment opportunities and managing the risks associated” to climate change
- Sale of the U.S. subsidiary: “We have an extraordinary position of strength, which gives us tremendous strategic optionality to continue creating value for shareholders”
- Dividend: “We propose to the AGM the approval of the agreements required to implement a share buyback plan of up to 10 percent of the Group’s shares once the sale of our U.S. subsidiary is closed”
Onur Genç, Chief executive officer
- Digitization: “Our focus on creating end-to-end digital solutions and processes has been key to reaching new clients, which is one of our strategic priorities”
- Capital: Following the sale of the U.S. subsidiary, BBVA will be “one of Europe’s best capitalized banks, with the largest margin between our capital position and the minimum requirement”
- Team: “We continue fostering inclusion and diversity, because we are convinced that it makes us better, as a company and as a society”
Shareholders' meeting
Carlos Torres Vila takes stock of 2020 and announces pledge to making BBVA carbon neutral by 2050
At BBVA Annual General Meeting, Carlos Torres Vila took stock of last year and unveiled a new objective in the bank´s fight against climate change. “Today, we are announcing BBVA’s commitment to becoming carbon neutral by 2050. With this commitment, we are moving the baseline scenario in the Paris Agreement forward by 20 years," he said.
19 Apr 2021
The Shareholders' General Meeting (also known as the Annual General Meeting or AGM) is one of a company’s primary corporate governance vehicles. During the Meeting, the company’s owners (the shareholders) ratify decisions on topics determined by law and by the corporate bylaws. The AGM includes particular features that are established by corporate law.
30 Mar 2021
BBVA’s shareholders gift for the Annual General Meeting will be given to charitable causes
In order to help alleviate the effects of COVID-19 on the most vulnerable, BBVA will make a charitable contribution in Spain in replacement of the traditional gift given to shareholders for the Annual General Meeting. It will be the shareholders who vote on which of four causes they prefer for the donation from this gift: social inclusion, education, health and people with disabilities.
15 Mar 2021
Corporate information
BBVA to submit for shareholder approval the possibility of redeeming up to 10 percent of shares
BBVA has called its Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held virtual-only on April 20th, 2021. With the goal of being able to implement a significant potential share buyback, it will be submitted for approval of the AGM the possibility of reducing the bank’s share capital up to 10 percent - the equivalent of approximately 667 million shares. Additionally, BBVA proposes the re-election of seven board members, whose term ends in 2021. It would thus maintain unchanged the composition of the Group’s highest governing body, which currently has two thirds of independent members and an appropriate balance and diversity in several areas: experience, knowledge and expertise, gender and international representation.
13 Mar 2020
Shareholders' meeting
BBVA shareholders back corporate management in 2019 with 99.4 percent of the votes
BBVA shareholders have backed the Group’s corporate management in 2019 with 99.4 percent of the votes at the Annual General Meeting, held on Friday in Bilbao. Quorum has been the highest in the bank’s history: 66.83 percent.
Shareholders' meeting
Carlos Torres Vila: “With coronavirus, we must all be very coordinated to mitigate the impact”
Carlos Torres Vila, Group executive chairman
- Excellent figures: “In 2019 BBVA posted its highest net attributable profit of the past decade without one-offs”
- New strategic priorities: We want “to improve our clients’ financial health and help them transition toward a sustainable future”
- Dividend: BBVA is proposing at the AGM a complementary gross cash dividend of €0.16 per share. The total dividend for the year stands at €0.26 per share, which reflects a 36 percent of attributable profit, excluding the impact of the goodwill adjustment in the U.S.
Onur Genç, Chief executive officer
- Business model: “Once again, we have demonstrated the strength of our diversified model”
- Profitability: “We are number one in terms of profitability,” among 15 largest European banks
BBVA Group’s executive chairman referred to the Cenyt case at the 2020 Annual General Meeting, which was held on March 13, 2020. This is a transcript of what he said at the meeting.
BBVA shareholders meet today in Bilbao (northern Spain), where the bank will hold its Annual General Meeting. Starting at noon, Group executive chairman Carlos Torres Vila and CEO Onur Genç will present the bank’s shareholders with the most significant 2019 accomplishments and the outlook for 2020.
11 Mar 2020
Shareholders' meeting
BBVA recommends use of remote channels, extends deadline for voting electronically at the AGM
In light of the situation resulting from the coronavirus, BBVA recommends not attending the Annual General Meeting in person whenever possible. The AGM is to be held on March 13th, 2020, at the Euskalduna Conference Center in Bilbao. Additionally, in order to allow shareholders to exercise the remote vote, BBVA has extended the deadline to do so until Thursday, March 12, 2020, at 08:00 pm.
10 Mar 2020
BBVA’s 2020 Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting (AGM) is scheduled to be held next March 13, 2020, on first call, at the Euskalduna Conference Center in Bilbao. BBVA wishes and promotes the participation of its shareholders in such an important event for the company. For that reason, the bank has made available to its shareholders the appropriate channels to enable the exercise of their rights remotely, which are described in the Annual General Meeting section on the corporate website.
09 Mar 2020
The BBVA Annual General Meeting will be held in Bilbao next Friday, March 13. The shareholder meeting (or AGM) is one of a company’s primary corporate governance vehicles. During the meeting, the company’s owners (the shareholders) ratify decisions on topics determined by law and by the corporate bylaws. The AGM includes particular features that are established by corporate law.