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Corporate Governance Report

14 Feb 2018

  • Good results: In 2017, the BBVA Group posted a net attributable profit of €3.52 billion (+1.3%). Excluding the accounting adjustment of Telefónica and the capital gains from extraordinary corporate operations, net profit in 2017 was €4.29 billion, up 23.3% from a year earlier. The main drivers behind this result were a positive performance of recurring revenue, cost containment efforts in operating expenses and an effective risk management strategy
  • Group Executive Chairman: Total remuneration of BBVA Executive Chairman for 2017 was €5.8 million, up 18% from 2016. The Chairman’s variable compensation rose 12% compared to the previous year. The deferred variable remuneration is subject to multi-annual indicators, based on which remuneration can be reduced or taken to zero, never increased. It also includes a Malus clause that could limit or prevent its collection, and clawback clauses intended to reduce or reclaim already paid amounts
  • CEO: Carlos Torres Vila’s total remuneration was €4.9 million in 2017. HIs variable compensation is also subject to the same deferral period and conditions as that of the Chairman

14 Jul 2017

The European Commission just unveiled a new directive on corporate governance, and more specifically on shareholders' rights, which will have to be transposed nationwide by June 2019. The Commission’s initiative serves a dual purpose:  It wants to promote the use of new technologies in the corporate governance of companies while increasing the commitment to transparency among institutional investors, asset managers and the companies in which they invest.