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BBVA names Carlos Sanz-Pastor as Global Head of Internal Audit

BBVA has appointed Carlos Sanz-Pastor as Global Head of Internal Audit, replacing Joaquín Gortari Díez, who is leaving the bank following a successful career of 35 years. Meanwhile, Carlos Sanz-Pastor has been part of Internal Audit for more than two decades and, since 2015, was responsible for this unit’s strategy.

Carlos Sanz-Pastor joined BBVA in 2002 as a responsible for Financial Audit. Since then, he has held several positions, including Internal Audit director of Investment Banking, Markets and South America. He took over Internal Audit strategy in 2015. Carlos has been a member of the Spanish Institute of Internal Auditors since 2011 and is a member of the executive team of the Chief Audit Executives Council, which is part of The Conference Board think tank.

Joaquín Gortari Díez started his career at BBVA in 1990 at Banco Exterior de España. He was also part of the Capital Markets area at BEX International, which was later Argentaria’s Banco de Negocios, and the Corporate Development area of Argentaria and BBVA. In 2003 he was appointed deputy CFO at BBVA and a year later he became CFO at BBVA USA and a member of the Board of several banks of the Group in that country (Valley Bank, Laredo National Bank, State National Bank, Texas Regional Bancshares and Bancomer Transfer Services). In 2008 he was named CFO of the Technology and Operations area, a position he held until 2010 when he was appointed Chief of staff to the Chairman. Since 2018 he has been the Global Head of Internal Audit.

Internal Audit is an area of control, which reports directly to the Board, given its key mandate to assess the management of the bank, mitigate risks and anticipate improvements with independent criteria.