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Economy and Finance

19 Jun 2024

This Wednesday, BBVA Spain Country Manager Peio Belausteguigoitia underscored that Spain is meeting its growth targets, including adding 3.6 million new customers in Spain and boosting its main lines of business, such as the corporate banking segment. His presentation took place at a summer course held at the Menéndez Pelayo International  University, and was organized by the financial press association APIE and BBVA. BBVA also had a strong performance in Italy, where the bank has now reached 500,000 customers. The success of this digital banking model has led BBVA to consider expanding to other countries in Europe, with the focus currently on Germany.

17 Jun 2024

BBVA Chair Carlos Torres Vila and Spanish Minister of the Economy Carlos Cuerpo launched the 41st edition of the APIE Seminar in Santander, Spain on Monday. The event focuses on the role of companies in the new economy. In his presentation Torres Vila emphasized BBVA's support for Spanish businesses, particularly SMEs, which he identified as key drivers of the country’s growth and development. Specifically, he said, “our view of the importance of SMEs is one of the reasons for the offer we presented to Banco Sabadell shareholders a little over a month ago,” as the bank holds a strong position in this segment. “The transaction represents a clear commitment to SMEs, and will further reinforce our commitment to this kind of businesses,” Torres Vila stated.

31 May 2024

BBVA has convened an Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on July 5th¹ at the Euskalduna Conference Center in Bilbao. The bank is proposing to its shareholders the capital increase needed to proceed with the share exchange with Banco Sabadell. This capital increase will consist of issuing new BBVA shares that will be given to Banco Sabadell shareholders who take up the offer. BBVA shareholders are not required to make any disbursements.

28 May 2024

A takeover bid happens when an investor or a group of investors offers to buy shares from all the shareholders of a listed company. They usually offer a specific price for these shares or other securities that give them an ownership stake in the company.

07 May 2024

BBVA Chair Carlos Torres Vila gave the opening presentation at the BBVA Mexico's annual National Meeting of Regional Advisors 2024, the Group's flagship summit in Mexico. Addressing more than 400 business leaders, he reasserted BBVA's commitment to Mexico by announcing that the bank's investments in the country will reach 81.4 billion pesos, or around €4.45 billion, well above the amount originally foreseen in the 2019-2024 plan.

29 Apr 2024

Garanti BBVA announced its financial results for the first quarter of 2024. The bank’s net income for the first three months of the year stood at TL 22.48 billion; total  assets were TL 2.46 trillion; and cash and non-cash loans reached TL 1.85 trillion. Customer deposits represented 71 percent of assets - the main source of funding. The total deposit base reached TL 1.75 trillion, up 9.3 percent this quarter.  Garanti BBVA’s capital adequacy ratio was 15.4 percent,*  its return on average equity (ROAE) was 36 percent, and return on average assets (ROAA) was 3.9 percent.

*Does not include  the forbearance introduced by BRSA

22 Apr 2024

12 Apr 2024

08 Apr 2024

01 Apr 2024

BBVA contributed a record €7,668 million in own taxes in 2023 across all the countries in which it operates.  A further €5,950 million was also collected from third parties, making a grand total of €13,618 million in taxes, the highest tax contribution ever recorded by the bank. In Spain alone, BBVA paid a total of €1,191 million in its own taxes. With third-party taxes included, the bank contributed €3,384 million to the public treasury. This effort reflects BBVA's commitment to the social and economic well-being of the countries within its footprint and its strong support for local economies.

15 Mar 2024


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Carlos Torres Vila, Chair

  • Impact on society: “In 2023, we increased our positive impact on all countries where we operate”.
  • Shareholder distributions: “We are proposing to the AGM the distribution of more than €4 billion, 50 percent of the annual net attributable profit”.
  • Future outlook: “In 2024, we will continue to grow profitably, creating opportunities for everyone”.

Onur Genç, CEO

  • Earnings: “Our performance puts us at the top of the European banking industry in activity growth, profitability and efficiency”.
  • Customer-focused: “We will continue focusing on our strategy based on innovation and digitization, which will allow us to offer a better service to our customers”.
  • Team: “The excellent earnings we are presenting are the result of the work of more than 120,000 employees who are part of BBVA”.

In 2023, BBVA had great achievements financially and also in terms of value creation for all of its stakeholders. “BBVA’s ability to combine growth and profitability sets us apart from our competitors,” said Chair Carlos Torres Vila at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), held Friday in Bilbao, in northern Spain. During his speech, he predicted that following a record year for BBVA in profit and impact on society, “2024 will be even better.”

11 Mar 2024

Luisa Gómez Bravo has been CFO of the Group since September 2023. She recognizes that the first few months in her new role have been very intense. After all, the Finance unit is responsible for the Group’s financial planning and monitoring, for capital, for managing liquidity and structural balance sheet risks, for relations with the Group’s investors and shareholders, and many other functions. After a historic 2023 in financial terms, Gómez Bravo predicts that 2024 will be another great year for BBVA. This will be possible, she maintains, thanks to the Group’s structural strengths:  leading franchises in high growth markets and a strategic focus based on the opportunities provided by innovation, digitization and sustainability. And these focal points have been the main drivers of the bank’s growth. “BBVA’s ability to combine profitability and growth is unique in the European banking sector and it sets us apart from our competitors,” she stressed.

05 Mar 2024


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A strong performance in 2023 and forward strides in strategy driven by digitization, innovation and sustainability enabled BBVA to continue to play a key role in the transformation of the economy and create opportunities for all its stakeholders: customers, shareholders, employees and wider society.

01 Mar 2024

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. (BBVA) filed on March 1, 2024 with the Securities and Exchange Commission BBVA´s Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2023.

The Annual Report can be found on BBVA’s Investor Relations website in the section dedicated to Financial information 2023.

06 Feb 2024

BBVA’s Board of Directors is to propose the appointment of two new members, Cristina de Parias, (as external board member) and Enrique Casanueva (as independent). They both have extensive experience and expertise in banking, having held top positions in financial institutions in key markets for BBVA. Furthermore, the female representation at the Group's Board will now increase from six to seven women, of a total of 15 members (47 percent), while the number of independent members will remain a majority, at 67 percent.