Discover the most sustainable BBVA buildings
Reducing the impact of its business on the environment is one of the strategic goals of BBVA in the fight against climate change and in driving sustainable development. To meet this challenge, BBVA has 15 buildings that have received the renowned LEED Gold and Platinum certificates as sustainable and efficient constructions that respect the environment.

LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) certification awarded by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is one of the most demanding responsible building standards in the world. LEED-certified buildings significantly reduce waste and harmful atmospheric gas emissions, conserve energy better and are healthier and safer for their occupants
“The award of LEED certification in the Platinum and Gold categories to several of our buildings is recognition of the Group’s commitment to the environment and the effort we have made to construct spaces with better conditions for those working in them”, says Belén Piserra, Head of Corporate Buildings and Services at BBVA.
To achieve one of these certificates, the U.S. Green Building Council assesses whether the building fulfils a series of requirements. Among others, it needs to be built on sustainable land and be well-connected to public transport; make efficient use of water and energy (show savings of between 12% and 48%) and use materials that are recycled, renewable and/or with some green stamp of approval. The quality of the interior and innovative design also count in the points system.
BBVA currently has 15 buildings around the world that have received LEED gold and platinum certificates, the highest categories.