The data today is about … post-holiday blues
The return to work means the arrival of the post-holiday blues for many Spaniards. This has been observed by a study of the research business Aora Health, included in Expansión, stating that 68% of Spaniards suffers from this syndrome when returning to daily life.

Although this problem manifests in a different way in each individual, the most common symptoms are listlessness, in 42.33 % of cases; sadness, in 14.42% of cases; and, lastly, apathy, in 10.7% of cases. Most of those polled stated that these feelings usually last for less than a week, in 46.5 % of cases; for one day, in 30.23 %; for fifteen days, 15.81 %; and for those most affected, the symptoms can last up to one month, in 8.84 % of the participants.
Adapting to timetables once again (37.63 %), facing accumulated workload (10.23 %) or the lack of time for leisure activities (11.63 %) are some of the main causes. Furthermore, after the holiday period, many have a guilty conscience for not having rested enough (31.16 %), extra weight gained (21.4 %), not having used their time off in a better way (16.28 %) or the costs incurred (15.8 %).