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"Improving productivity is the biggest challenge that companies face today”, said BBVA Executive Chairman Francisco González at BBVA Bancomer’s National Directors Meeting today. During the event, which took place in Mexico City, Francisco González said that increasing productivity is “a process that is neither smooth nor homogeneous, but one that is essential for every company, and also for the banking sector."

Peru has played - and still does - a key role in BBVA's projection and consolidation in South America. In 1995 the institution (still BBV back then) took its first step in its expansion in the region buying Banco Continental. Since then, year after year, Peru has emerged as a solid country with an increasing appeal for international investors.

A survey by Deloitte and EFMA polling senior executives from UK Banks found that 60% of respondents believe blockchain will be used mainly in international money transfer applications. However, the survey also found that only 6% are working on building blockchain solutions and that 43% are still learning about the technology.


Also, 23% believe that blockchain will be mainly used in security clearing and settlement transactions, 20% that it will allow banks to get to know their customers better and prevent money laundering, and 19% see it as a safe currency and a way of boosting transparency within institutions.