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Daniel J. Siegel is a medical doctor, professor of clinical psychiatry at the University of California School of Medicine in Los Angeles, co-director of the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center and executive director of the Mindsight Institute. With a positive vision, Siegel argues that adolescence is a very special time, emotions are sparked, social connections made, and searches start for what's new and creative essence: “Adolescents have passion, a feeling that everything matters. They have a deep capacity for collaboration between themselves, and the strength to try new things," he says.

In general, banks are able to continue with business as usual during a government shutdown. Accounts can be opened, transactions can be processed, loans can be funded. However, there are some areas that rely heavily on Federal employees in specific situations.


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Barbara Oakley is an engineering professor at Oakland University in Rochester and is a Ramón y Cajal Distinguished Scholar in Global Digital Learning at McMaster University. She is director of the course 'Learning to learn' offered by Coursera, the largest online course in the world. Oakley is one of the international pioneers in the area of neuroeducation and winner of numerous teaching awards, such as the Chester F. Carlson Award from the American Society for Engineering Education. Oakley invites us to leave our comfort zone in order to develop new skills and work flexibly: "A quality that will help us to adapt to an ever-changing world," she says.


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Chris Hadfield was the first Canadian astronaut to live aboard the International Space Station, spending almost 4,000 hours in space. Hadfield is one of the most experienced and accomplished astronauts in the world; he was responsible for the shuttle´s communications during 25 launches, was NASA’s director of operations, chief of robotics at the Johnson Space Center, and chief of operations for the International Space Station. He also served as commander of the International Space Station where he led a record number of scientific experiments, in addition to becoming one of the most popular astronauts in history taking photos and recording educational videos about life in space, for which he has received much praise. His music video of his gravity-free version of David Bowie’s Space Oddity is his most popular video.


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This educator, writer and communicator, is a world leader in pedagogy. Robinson believes a profound transformation of the current education system is needed and maintains that the role of teachers is decisive. He argues that "It’s difficult to overstate the importance of teachers in your life" and adds: "It is a multi-faceted profession, one of the most demanding jobs a person can have." As opposed to examinations and subject hierarchies, he defends creativity as one of the most important skills that schools should nurture: "It’s the essence of what it means to be human.” he states.


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Considered to be one of the most influential psychologists of recent times, Daniel Goleman burst onto the international scene as the best-selling author of 'Emotional Intelligence'. Goleman maintains that we should teach our children how to practice and develop emotional intelligence. The psychologist stresses the fundamental importance that our ability to focus our attention plays in today's world, either as a way to practice self-control, to improve our ability to empathize with others, or better understand the world around us, and so there are benefits to training it: "Attention is like a muscle. if we don't use it, it gets weak: if we exercise it, it gets strong." he declares.

With regards to media reports related to Grupo Cenyt, which if found to be true would be extremely serious, BBVA informs that in June 2018 it opened an investigation into the hiring and services rendered by this company. It also commissioned an external law firm to proceed with an independent review of all facts and available documents. Both actions are currently underway.

Should any irregularities be detected during these reviews, BBVA will adopt the pertinent internal measures and take the appropriate legal actions and, as always, will fully cooperate with law authorities.