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If there is a name in Spain that is synonymous with adventure and exploring, it is without a doubt Miguel de la Quadra – Salcedo (born in Madrid on April 30, 1932). He went to the Amazon for the first time in 1960 and that’s where his tireless expedition career began. Miguel de la Quadra-Salcedo led a life that could have been lived by three men at once – the athlete, the journalist and the adventurer – but he decided to pack it all into one.  In his work as a reporter for RTVE he directly witnessed the war in Congo, the coup against Salvador Allende in Chile and he was the first journalist to interview Che Guevara’s brother after his death.

In Mexico, three out of every ten companies registered with the Mexican Tax Administration belong to women. Of the 4.9 million companies in the country, 1.5 million were created by women. Of these companies, nine out of ten are SMEs or micro-enterprises.

Mexico ranks 13th of 31 countries for its favorable conditions for business women, according to the study, “Global Women Entrepreneur Leaders Scorecard 2015”.