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They’re always popular with users of Android mobiles and they’re a fixture on any smartphone. Weather applications allow you to be always informed, in real time, about the meteorological conditions at a given place. Some of these apps are free, others have a cost; some are well known and others are just making a name for themselves in the market.

BBVA’s Group Executive Chairman is convinced that technological advances will be accompanied by greater progress and well-being, but he is also calling for policies and structural reforms that are capable of mitigating the costs of the transition to the new digital society. Supporting research and education, promoting competition and transparency in the markets and developing new employment policies and social protection systems were among the recommendations Francisco González shared at an event organized by El Periódico de Catalunya and BBVA in Barcelona.

Last month, BBVA Compass showcased its digital prowess with headline stories about BBVA Open Talent, its 2017 online banking award from Javelin Strategy & Research, and Tuyyo, BBVA's new money transfer mobile app. The bank also published articles that highlighted it as an engine of opportunity for its employees and the communities throughout its footprint. The bank wrapped up its month of stories on Oct. 27, releasing its third quarter earnings.

Changes in the digital transformation can now be observed in 50% of the companies that have decided to reshape their businesses around these new technologies, according to a Fujitsu report covered by Europa Press. The purpose of the report was to shed light on how companies are adapting to the new digital challenges and how these challenges will impact the future.