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BBVA Group Executive Chairman Francisco González, and the Chairman of the CAF -Latin American Development Bank-, Luis Carranza, signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that strengthens their ties in Latin America and formalizes the existing institutional relationship the two organizations have shared for many years.

5G cell phone connections will be one of the main European markets in the telecommunications sector in 2025. According to a study conducted by GSMA - an association of the world’s mobile network operators- published in Europa Press, 30% of European residents will have 5G on their smartphones by this date.

If you don’t innovate and change you will be dead, that was the message from BBVA CEO Carlos Torres Vila at the bank’s inaugural fintech focused Open Summit in Madrid today. Speaking to an audience of entrepreneurs, investors, influencers and startups, Torres Vila also said the only true way to keep innovation fresh was to be open to ideas from outside your own business and sector.

Technological advances have revolutionized life at home. With the arrival of new devices, digital habits have changed and users have adapted to the new products on the market. This transformation is evident in the data, which shows that the number of Spanish households that have a television (84.3%) was surpassed by those that have a laptop (84.9%) for the first time, according to the observatory ONTSI, published in La Vanguardia.