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A math test recently went viral and is all over the social networks. Its creators say that only one out of every 1,000 people is able to solve it. It seems simple, but the test has an added difficulty: the problem has two possible answers.

The latest Observatorio ADEI report "Jobs in the future", promoted by Google and AFI, and covered by Europa Press, indicates that the opportunities offered by automation and robotization could increase the number of employed people by more than two million until 2030 in Spain if educational and labor policies are implemented to promote the digital transformation.

A survey of hotel reservation platforms published by Cinco Días indicates that 71% of hotel guests admit to taking a valuable item during their stay. The report says that tourists steal everything from batteries and remote controls to artwork.

Three out of every 10 people in the word – approximately 2.1 billion people – do not have access to potable water in their homes and six out of every ten (4.4 billion) do not have access to safe sanitation, according to a new report released by two UN agencies, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations’ Children’s Fund (UNICEF) covered by Servimedia.

70% of large global corporations will have faced a “significant” cyberattack by 2018, putting a risk their basic services, according to IDC’s latest forecasts. IDC notes that the digital transformation has brought more opportunities for companies, but also more threats, Europa Press reports