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Although BBVA opened its first U.S. branch in New York City in 1988, it wasn’t until 2004, with the acquisition of a small Southern California bank, Valley Bank, that it rolled out its first retail banking operations in the U.S. Over the next two years, the acquisition of three more banks – Laredo National Bank, Texas State Bank and State National Bank – allowed BBVA to become a leading bank in Texas. By then, it was clear that BBVA was targeting the U.S. market as a pivotal element in its strategy to become a relevant global player. A reality that crystalized 10 years ago, with BBVA’s acquisition of Compass Bank in 2007.

The price of goods and services in Spain was eight points below the European Union (EU) average in 2016, according to Eurostat. Spain is the country with the cheapest clothing in the eurozone and has the fifth lowest prices in alcohol and tobacco.

BBVA CEO Carlos Torres Vila saw the BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s (FMBBVA) work in Peru first-hand through Financiera Confianza. To do so, he went to one of the most underprivileged  places in Lima, where he visited with several entrepreneurs – all women – who have found an opportunity to improve their quality of live and contribute to the economic development of their family and community thanks to microcredit.

Only 20% of Spanish children between the ages of 9 and 12 who use a cell phone with Internet access know how to configure the device’s privacy settings. Measures are  needed from the political arena to improve this knowledge and ensure the minors’ security.

Thirty large entertainment companies around the world, including Amazon, Disney, BBC and Warner Brothers, have announced a global alliance to combat Internet piracy and protect the creative content market, EFE reports.

Funding is one of the biggest challenges that entrepreneurs face when launching their own company. And getting it is not easy. But now, Trust·u, a new SME-oriented financing model, aims to help recently created companies overcome this hurdle by offering loans to startups that are able to convince relatives and friends to support them.