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Reuters reports that, according to public sources and communications, as jobs in the financial sector begin to leave, the principal international banks present in London plan to transfer approximately 9,000 position to Europe over the next two years. These transfers represent approximately 2% of jobs in the financial sector in London.

According to a study by the financial services company Ebury, 94 % of professionals working in financial technology companies - the so-called fintech firms - are satisfied with their salaries in comparison to other sectors. They also say they are very happy to work in these companies.

Türkiye Garanti Bankası A.Ş., announced its financial statements dated March 31, 2017. Based on the consolidated financials, in the first three months of 2017, the Bank posted a consolidated net income of TL 1.54 billion. While Garanti’s asset size reached TL 328.69 billion, its contribution to the Turkish economy through cash and non-cash lending exceeded TL 269.26 billion. The Bank’s ROAE (Return on Average Equity) improved to 18.9% and ROAA (Return on Average Assets) to 2.1%.