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According to Juan Manuel López Zafra and Ricardo Queralt, the co-directors of the Master’s in Data Science for Finance at the University College of Financial Studies (CUNEF), within only the last two years we have generated 90 % of all available information, but only 1 % of it can be analysed. In Europe, the workload in the Big Data sector will increase by EUR 3.5 billion between 2013 and 2018. In order to drive this increase, it is essential that there also be an increase in the number of available qualified professionals.


Spain’s airspace navigation manager ENAIRE is predicting a total of 55,000 flights in Spanish airspace during the Easter break between Friday, April 7th and April 17th. About  5,000 more flights are forecast for this week than during same period in 2016, or  2.7 % of all the estimated air traffic for 2017. ENAIRE has increased the number of air traffic controllers in its control centers and main control towers, due to the higher volume of flights.

According to the economic daily Expansión,  Spain's Association of Employment Agencies and Temporary Placement Agencies predicts that Holy Week will create 147,700 jobs in the tourist sector, an 8% increase over the same period in 2016. The hotel/restaurant and commercial sectors will create the most jobs, but the logistics, retail, transport, and "contact center" sectors will also need many more workers.

The President of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, stated this week that three-quarters of payments in the Eurozone are made in cash. He added that cash will continue to be essential to the economy, despite the increase in digital payments.