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On April 4 the new €50 note will enter into circulation. This new note, presented on July 5, 2016 by the European Central Bank will be phased in gradually and will coexist with the preceding model, which will remain legal tender. Thus, the ECB completes another step in the rollout of the Europa series, and follows the €5, €10 and €20 notes, which have already been issued. Reinhold Gerstetter, independent banknote designer was selected to refresh the design of the notes.

Nearly one in five mobile phones, and one in four video game consoles, shipped internationally is fake according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which has issued an alert regarding the impact the increase in the trade in counterfeits in the global information and communications technology (ICT) sector has on consumers, manufacturers, and public finances.

On January 10th, BBVA launched a new tagline - Creating opportunities. It was a necessary step to reflect the changes underway at the bank - a transformation BBVA began more than 10 years ago that more than anything, benefits customers.  In just two words, this new tagline summarizes the bank’s new purpose: “To bring the age of opportunity to everyone.”

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. (BBVA) filed on March 31, 2017 with the Securities and Exchange Commission BBVA´s Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2016. The Annual Report can be found on Investor Relations BBVA´s website in the section dedicated to Financial Information 2016.

BBVA has created the global position of Head of Data at the highest level of the organization to promote the strategic use of data in all the areas and businesses of the Group. David Puente will take on the new role, reporting directly to BBVA CEO Carlos Torres Vila.

Nearly 200 BBVA employees, from both global and local teams, met on March 21st in Madrid for the Second Global Quarterly Planning Session. The goal of the event was to expedite the execution of the products and services the bank is developing, converting them into customer experiences. Global Executive Chairman Francisco González participated in the session, indicating that “BBVA has a unique opportunity to be one of the big ‘players" in the global financial system.