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  • Changes: The new executive director compensation policy for the next three years envisages 1) an increase in the amounts to be deferred and the deferral period for the variable compensation. 60% of the variable compensation will be subject to a 5-year deferral period; 2) share-based remuneration increase: 60% of the deferred amount to be paid in BBVA shares, the remaining 40% in cash; and 3) variable compensation to be subject to reduction and clawback clauses
  • Group Executive Chairman: Total remuneration of BBVA’s Group Executive Chairman for 2016 was €4.9 million, down 12% from 2015. The Chairman’s variable compensation dropped 18% with respect to 2015, mainly as a result of the impact on BBVA Group’s profit of the provision related to ‘floor clauses’ in Spain and exchange rate trends. The deferred variable remuneration is subject to the retribution policy in force in 2016, with multi-annual indicators based on which said remuneration can be reduced or even taken to zero, never increased, as well as malus clauses that could limit or even prevent its collection
  • Chief Executive Officer: CEO Carlos Torres Vila’s remuneration was €4.4 million, and his variable remuneration is also subject to the same deferral period and conditions as that of the Chairman

The Board of Directors has approved a new Executive Director compensation policy for 2017, 2018 and 2019 to adapt to the new regulation related to compensation (Bank of Spain Circular 2/2016 and the European Banking Authority’s guidelines on sound adequate remuneration policies.) This new policy will be submitted for approval in the upcoming Annual General Meeting, on March 17.

Last year there were 247,771 new cases of cancer in Spain. This figure surpasses the number expected for 2020. The Spanish Society for Medical Oncology (SEOM) confirmed that one in two men and one in three women will develop this disease at some point in their lives. In three years, the SEOM estimates that there will be 97,715 women and 148,998 men with cancer in Spain.

BBVA was one of the companies distinguished by the Másfamilia Foundation for “its long-term commitment to the preservation of work-life values in its business culture.” The financial institution earned the EFR quality stamp ten years ago. The Foundation awards the EFR stamp to recognize companies that promote work-family-personal life balance, equality and diversity.

One year after technological modernization was the number one priority of those surveyed by Temenos, investment in digital channels is once again topping the ranking. 25% of participants say that digital channels are where the most money is flowing. Innovation held on to its second position from last year (22%), and technological modernization ranked third (19%).