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95% of companies expect to maintain their investments in Spain in 2017 and the same percentage intends to increase their workforce next year, according to the report “Business Climate in Spain from a Foreign Investor’s Perspective”, jointly prepared by ICEX-Invest in Spain, Multinationals for Spain’s Brand and the IESE’s International Center for Competitiveness.

BBVA CEO Carlos Torres Vila today said that “technology and innovation are for the ultimate benefit of financial services’ consumers," which is why financial players, such as BBVA, are designing new digital products and services based on enabling technologies, innovative infrastructures and new business models. Carlos Torres Vila took part in the 12th Banking Industry Meeting, organized by IESE Business School, that brought together top names in the Spanish banking sector, scholars and authorities.

The use of technology in the corporate world will create more than 1.2 million jobs in the next five years, according to a Randstad study. Of these jobs, approximately 390,000 will be in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math. 689,000 will be related jobs and 168,000 will be indirect jobs.

According to data published by Eurostat, 30.1 % of those below the age of 30, and 21.1 % of women, in the European Union are paid low salaries. The gender-based difference is very significant since only 13.5 % of men receive low salaries, but the corresponding figure for women is 21.1 %.