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Propel Venture Partners today announced its investment in a $4.5 million seed round for Brave Software, a startup reinventing the browser as a user platform for speed, privacy and micropayments. The investment is the second in as many weeks for Propel, the independent venture capital firm in which BBVA is the sole limited partner. Propel recently announced it was the lead investor in a Series A round for Guideline, an online 401 (k) platform in the U.S.

Today marks the one year anniversary of the Windows 10 operating system. Today is the last day to download a free copy. Coinciding with its anniversary, Microsoft announced that Windows 10 is now installed on 350 million devices around the world.

Between April and June the BBVA Group posted the highest quarterly profit of the last 12 months, with €1.12 billion, up 58.4% from the previous quarter. Net attributable profit for the first half of the year stood at €1.83 billion, down 33.6% from the same period in 2015, due to the impact of exchange rates and the lack of corporate operations. Stripping out these two factors, profit grew 5.8% y-o-y

Between April and June the BBVA Group posted the highest quarterly profit of the last 12 months, with €1.12 billion, up 58.4% from the previous quarter. Net attributable profit for the first half of the year stood at €1.83 billion, down 33.6% from the same period in 2015, due to the impact of exchange rates and the lack of corporate operations. Stripping out these two factors, profit grew 5.8% y-o-y

A study by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has found that copper can kill six different types of bacteria. According to this study, in about two hours, copper objects can kill a 99.9% of the bacteria on their surfaces.

BBVA has changed its organization to create a more agile structure and to accelerate its transformation. From now on the geographies report to the CEO, while the area of Customer Solutions incorporates key functions related to the offering of products and services.

This week the World Health Organization published its new global height map, showing the average height in each country. The report underscores the countries with the greatest growth over the past century.  More than 18 million people in 200 countries were measured from 1914 to 2014 for the study. Interestingly enough, there is a notable difference of approximately 20 centimeters between the average height in the wealthiest countries and in less developed countries.

While waiting at the doctor, waiting for a friend, or waiting for the bus… Did you know we can’t go even a minute without looking at our cell phones? An experiment conducted by Kaspersky Lab, Würzburg University (Germany) and Nottingham-Trent University (U.K.) found that men can’t go more than 21 seconds without looking at their phones, and women can go only go 57 seconds.