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40% of European companies do not find workers with the right background. According to the European Commissioner for Employment Marianne Thyssen from Belgium, “seven million Europeans lack adequate reading and writing skills, and mathematics and digital skills even more so. This clearly puts them at risk of unemployment, poverty and social exclusion.”

Thyssen adds that one out of every four adults in Europe lacks basic knowledge of language and mathematics and 45% do not have sufficient digital knowledge.

Two out of three Spaniards no longer send or receive letters, according to a National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC) survey for their household panel.

Specifically, 64.1% of Spaniards maintain they haven’t sent a letter in the past six months while 67% report they haven’t received a letter.

Skin cancer has been on the rise around the world over the past 25 years. In Spain alone, the number of skin cancer cases has increased 38% over the past four years, nearly 10% per year. This trend is expected to remain for the next two or three decades.

Partido Popular wins the General Elections with 137 seats, or 33.03% of the votes. The second-most-voted party was PSOE with 85 seats (22.67%), finishing ahead of Unidos Podemos. Up until yesterday the party comprised of Podemos and Izquierda Unida thought it could become the second most-voted in Spain. The purple group received 71 seats, or 21.1% of the votes. Ciudadanos came in fourth once again, with 32 seats, or 13.05% of the votes.

Brexit received 51.9% of the votes versus the Remain campaign’s 48.1% – a difference of more than 1.2 million votes. Voter turnout was a record high of 72%. The U.K. now has two years to agree on the terms of its exit from the EU.

Brexit received 51.9% of the votes versus the Remain campaign’s 48.1% – a difference of more than 1.1 million votes. Voter turnout was a record high of 72%. The U.K. now has two years to agree on the terms of its exit from the EU.

Hours before finding out the results from the U.K. referendum on remaining in the EU, Opinium’s latest polls are giving a slight advantage to those in favor of remaining. The firm predicts that the Remain campaign will get 44% of the votes, while the Leave campaign will obtain 40%. They also indicated that 14% were still undecided early this week.