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The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Social Sciences has gone in this seventeenth edition to social psychologists Icek Ajzen (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Dolores Albarracín (University of Pennsylvania), Mahzarin Banaji (Harvard University), Anthony Greenwald (University of Washington) and Richard Petty (Ohio State University) for their innovative contributions that have revolutionized the attitude theory and its practical applications.

The British magazine, which belongs to the Financial Times, has crowned BBVA as the best financial institution in Peru for its progress toward digitalization and sustainability. It also recognized BBVA as Bank of the Year in Latin America thanks to its ability to outperform its competitors, not only in Peru but throughout the wider region.

Garanti BBVA reported its financial results for the first quarter of 2022, posting a net income of TL 8.26 billion, and TL 953.35 billion in assets. Garanti BBVA CEO Recep Baştuğ called attention to the bank’s performance in lending, with the loan portfolio soaring 17 percent to TL 309 billion. “It was a quarter in which we gained market share from the sector in both TL and foreign currency loans, and we are the leader in consumer loans among private banks,” he said. The bank provided a total of TL 712.12 billion in cash and non-cash loans.