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TCR Communication

25 May 2018


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At BBVA we always say that, the more you know, the better you can make decisions. Personal data offer us very valuable opportunities to provide better services for our customers and come up with new ways to put our customers at the center of our business. That is why protecting this data is a critical matter that concerns us all, as customers, and, especially, as employees of a digital company like ours. In order to better protect people, starting on the 25 th of May 2018, the new European Data Protection Regulation will go into effect.

27 Dec 2017

17 Nov 2017

10 Nov 2017


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In the last two years four forces have shifted their perspective on sustainable issues. First, the global agenda has included sustainability in its goals with two key milestones: Paris agreement on climate change and Sustainable Development Goals by United Nations.Second, enterprises have understood that SDG mean a huge market and a new scope of opportunities. A new 12 trillion dollars market per year and 70 trillion dollars investment before 2030.Third, relevant investors have changed their perspective and therefore their way of seeking engagement on environmental and social issues. And finally, there has been an increase in regulation and soft-regulation related to this topics. Task Force on Climate - related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) or the High Level Expert Group from the European Commision are two good examples of it.

06 Nov 2017

05 Jun 2017

23 May 2017

20 May 2017

“Plain language entails putting readers first: discovering what they want to know, what information they need and helping them meet their goals. The goal is for readers to be able to understand a document written in plain language the first time they read it. But plain language doesn’t only have to do with language: it also includes the design, layout and mucho more.”

International Plain Language Federation

20 Apr 2017

28 Nov 2016

29 Apr 2016

BBVA CEO Carlos Torres Vila said today that the sustainability of the banking business model in the current context of negative interest rates requires a change: To leave behind a money-centric infrastructure, based on revenues generated by interests, and develop a banking model that seeks to make a bigger difference in customers' lives. Speaking during BBVA’s Q1 2016 results presentation, Carlos Torres Vila expressed his conviction that “the more we are capable of offering a distinctive value, the more satisfied customers will be and the more viable and sustainable our business model will be.”

29 Mar 2016

14 Mar 2016

At BBVA we have moved a step further in integrating our corporate information, with the publication of the BBVA report in 2015. Thus, after 13 Corporate Responsibility reports, for the first time all of the Group’s non-financial information has been published alongside the financial data, in one document.

10 Mar 2016

BBVA represents a benchmark in terms of transparency and clarity in the main markets where it operates. It further intends to position itself as a long-term industry leader in the field. Its roadmap is focused on creating a satisfactory customer experience, helping clients to make informed decisions with regard to their finances. The aim is to drive customer trust, their willingness to recommend BBVA and the bank’s reputation.

03 Mar 2016

The world of business resorts to a series of ratios - Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), Return on Investment (ROI) or Risk-Adjusted Return (RAR) – to gauge a company’s profitability and activity.

We at BBVA strive to help our company achieve the best results. But besides what and how much we achieve, we worry about how those results are achieved. That is why we also talk about principle-adjusted return, one of the levers on which we have built our distinctive banking model, which we call responsible banking.

The key for a financial institution to survive in such a rapidly changing environment is to abide by ethics, according to BBVA Executive Director José Manuel Gónzalez-Páramo. In a conference on Companies and Public Goods held by the University of Navarra’s Entrerprise and Humanism Institute, José Manuel González-Páramo emphasized that “ethics is the keystone of the banking sector”.

11 Feb 2016

The measurement of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives and programs is acquiring an increasing relevance in companies. For the last four years, BBVA has been using the rsc2 methodology, proposed by McKinsey and developed in Spain with the Seres Foundation, to measure the social and financial impact of its actions in this field. The results of applying this methodology is revealing very valuable information to better manage these actions and contribute to them really being sustainable.

05 May 2015

The Board of Directors of BBVA named Carlos Torres Vila president & COO at a meeting held today in Madrid, replacing Ángel Cano. The Board also approved a new organizational structure that puts digital transformation at the center of the strategy to accelerate its execution, while creating a function with the sole mission of managing the countries’ networks and operations to enhance results.