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Corporate reputation Updated: 19 Sep 2018

Colombia: Diversity and talent

To refer to “Colombians” is to paint a very specific human profile that arises from the depths of a land peppered with regions in a geographic delight. The two oceans that surround Colombia and three large mountain ranges that run across it explain in part the contrasts, accents and diversity of the Colombian people. A territory full of people from coastal, valley, plains, Huila and Santander regions.  Each with their own, very diverse cultures that melt away in the overwhelming joy, strength, creativity and desire to excel that is the common denominator of all Colombians.

Colombia: Diversity and talent

Companies like BBVA thrive thanks to this human capital. In this corner of South America BBVA found highly talented professionals who make the blue and white colors their own in 100 municipalities across Colombia. Today, 7,300 people (59% women and 41% men) distributed in six companies and in more than 400 branches, dedicate all their effort to clear the way for a brand that, after 20 years in the country, feels as Colombian as emeralds.

Colombia: Diversity and talent

This talent requires both corporate and professional growth and development. These are aspects that BBVA has successfully combined in Colombia with better results year after year - increasing market share in the main components of financial business, enviable risk indicators over competitors and top-notch service. They are results that, without a doubt, reflect the effort and drive of the workforce.

BBVA’s financial growth, apparent in each line of the balance sheet, completely corresponds to the career and development opportunities the bank offers its professionals. In 2015, for example, 543 employees received promotions, up 15% from 2014. And opportunities are popping up in all corners of the country. In the Antioquia Territory, the region of the “paisas”, 12% of the workforce was promoted; in Bogotá, the region of the “rolos”, 10.2%; in the Western part of Colombia, home to the “vallunos”, 8.5%; in the center of Colombia, the region of the Santander, “opitas” and “llaneros”, 7.0%; and in the Northern part of Colombia, home to the “costeños”, 6.3% were promoted.

Colombia: Diversity and talent

Colombians’ desire to excel, together with a growing number of online training programs available on BBVA Campus (more than 800 classes); a Language Center with 10 levels of English and 300 open classes developed by the best universities represent a fundamental addition to the professional development of BBVA employees in the country.

Recruiting and retaining that talent has become a major challenge for the bank. With this goal in mind, a series of programs have been developed to enhance managers’ leadership, provide coaching at different levels throughout the organization, and promote teamwork. The bank has also invested in the program “You & BBVA happier” which manages multiple employee benefit packages.

Colombia: Diversity and talent

The organization’s commitment to promote professional development, create a favorable working environment, consolidate a “One team” culture and support the well-being of employees and their families bring BBVA closer and closer to its goal of being the best place to work in Colombia. Every day, BBVA is one step closer to making this dream a reality, as illustrated by its improving position in the Merco Talento ranking of the 100 best companies in the country. The bank went from the 72nd position in 2013 to the 26th position in 2015.

In sum, in such a diverse and culturally rich country, human talent is yet another plus for companies like BBVA who arrived in Colombia with the intention of staying, growing, bringing its own particular style and contributing to the country’s economic development.