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Results 27 Oct 2016

Carlos Torres Vila: "We have already reached 11%, which was our target for 2017"

Following the publication of the third quarter results, BBVA CEO Carlos Torres Vila said today that the Group hit an important milestone in capital generation: a CET1 fully-loaded capital ratio of 11%, a goal originally set for 2017. “We have had solid growth in recurring revenues, cost control and stability in risk indicators,” he indicated prior to the press conference with Spanish media.

Carlos Torres Vila said that: “It has been a good quarter for BBVA, with a net attributable profit of €965 million, and a net income of €2.80 billion for the first nine months of the year. We have had solid growth in recurring revenues, cost control and stability in risk indicators.”

BBVA’s CEO also drew attention to a highly relevant capital measure - the bank’s strong CET 1 fully-loaded ratio. “We have already reached a CET1 ratio of 11%, a goal we had set for 2017, and we have done so in September,” he confirmed.

Carlos Torres Vila also explained that: “We have added key new functions to our digital and remote channels, as we have we have been doing in recent months, adapting the way we engage with our customers.” Digital sales, customer satisfaction and the number of digital and remote channel users are growing at a robust rate. “We now have 11 million customers who use their smartphones to engage with BBVA.”