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Big Data Updated: 28 May 2018

Photogallery: Carlos Torres at Europe Money20/20

In his address during this first edition of Money20/20 Europe – the most important fintech event in the world – in Copenhagen, Carlos Torres Vila affirmed that “BBVA will play an even more prominent role in the innovation ecosystem thanks to our internal initiatives, strategic alliances with fintech players and the use of our platform, by building open APIs, as key drivers of growth.”

Carlos Torres Vila focused his presentation on how the arrival of disruptive digital players (fintech) with superior value propositions and lower operating costs is disrupting both the banking sector and the international financial system as a whole. He also noted that new technological developments like Big Data, blockchain technology and artificial intelligence could change the banking business.

BBVA’s CEO stressed to an auditorium full of tech entrepreneurs and finance executives that in just over three years, technology has caused customers to make unprecedented behavioral changes, who increasingly expect to be able to interact with their bank using their mobile phones. “This has led us to redefine our value proposition in order to become the best bank for our customers and give them the solutions they need to operate at the time and place of their choosing.” He explained that the way to achieve this is byhelping people understand their finances, offering them the best banking solutions and putting the best decision-making tools within their reach. Without a doubt, “our purpose is to bring the age of opportunity to everyone.”